New Snowfall Season 5 Spoilers For April 20, 2022 Finale Episode 10 Revealed

New Snowfall Season 5 Spoilers For April 20, 2022 Finale Episode 10 Revealed

Hey, “Snowfall” fans. We hope you guys totally dug what episode 9 served up tonight. Now that episode 9 has officially done its thing, it’s time for us to tell you how this current season 5 will conclude in the next, new episode 10. That’s right, guys. Episode 10 will indeed be the finale episode of Snowfall’s current season 5. It’s set to hit the air next Wednesday night, April 20, 2022.

We were able to collect a couple of new, small teaser descriptions for this new episode 10, thanks to the terrific STARZ people and their official episode 10 press release. So, let’s take a look at those right now.

For starters, STARZ revealed that this new, finale episode 10 of Snowfall’s current season 5 is officially named/titled, “Fault Lines.” It sounds like episode 10 will feature some very intense, dramatic, interesting, possible action-filled and suspenseful scenes as Franklin gets totally destroyed! Teddy starts making certain moves. The family faces hard times and more.

We’ll go ahead and start off this spoiler session with the Franklin situation. It turns out that things definitely won’t go well for Franklin in this episode as STARZ tells us that he will be decimated at some point!

STARZ’s official description for this latest, Franklin situation reads like this, “Franklin is decimated.”

The second spoiler scoop reveals that Teddy will be looking to expand his horizons in this episode. Apparently, we’re going to see Teddy begin to set some things in motion that will be a benefit to his future.

STARZ’s description for this Teddy plotline reads like this, “Teddy moves to secure his future.”

The 3rd and last teaser description for this new episode 10 lets us know that things currently won’t be good for the family. Apparently, we’re going to see the family totally fracture at some point!

STARZ’s description for this fractured family storyline reads like this,”The family fractures.”

Episode 10 was written by Dave Andron, and it was directed by Alonso Alvarez. STARZ’s press release confirmed that the next, new, finale episode 10 of Snowfall’s current season 5 is indeed scheduled to hit the airwaves next Wednesday night, April 20, 2022 at approximately 9 pm central standard time.

Alright, guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest, “Snowfall” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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