Law & Order Organized Crime Season 2, April 21, 2022 Episode 19 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

Law & Order Organized Crime Season 2, April 21, 2022 Episode 19 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

Hey, “Law & Order: Organized Crime” fans. Unfortunately, we are back with some more bad news for you guys in this article. For some reason we’re not currently aware of, NBC is not airing the next, new episode 19 of Law & Order: OC’s current season 2 ,tonight, April 21, 2022. Nope, it’s just not happening tonight.

On the bright side, we can officially tell you that the folks over at NBC do plan to air the new episode 19 next Thursday night, April 28, 2022 in its usual, 9 pm central standard time slot. So, certainly be sure to hold that very important date and time tight in your memory.

We were able to track down what NBC plans to air instead of the next, new episode 19 of Law & Order: OC’s current season 2 tonight. According to the TV guide listings, NBC has a repeat episode of Law & Order: OC all lined up for you guys. It will be the 9th episode of this season 2 titled, “The Christmas Episode.”

NBC’s official description for it reads like this, “When Eli goes missing, Stabler asks Benson and the task force to help him find his son. Wheatley considers his future.”

If any of you guys are down for watching this particular Law & Order: OC repeat episode, you might still want to tune in to NBC ,tonight, as you normally would. If only brand new episodes of Law & Order: OC will satisfy you, you will totally want to skip NBC ,tonight, and get some new plans lined up as fast as you can.

Spoiler Warning: If you’re interested, we did find some new, official spoiler scoops for the next, new episode 19 of Law & Order: OC’s current season 2 via NBC’s official episode 19 press release.

Their press release revealed that this new episode 19 is officially named/titled, “Dead Presidents.” It sounds like episode 19 will deliver up some very scandalous, intense, dramatic, action-filled, suspenseful and interesting scenes.

NBC’s official description for episode 19 reads like this, “When millions are stolen from one of Webb’s employees, he enlists Stabler and Donnelly to retrieve the cash and punish the thief. The task force takes an opportunity to nail down both Webb and the Brotherhood but runs into a dangerous obstacle.”

Again, NBC confirmed that the next, new episode 19 of Law & Order: OC’s current season 2 is scheduled to finally make its way to your TV sets next Thursday night, April 28, 2022 at approximately 9 pm central standard time.

Alright, guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest, “Law & Order: Organized Crime” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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