Big Brother September 1, 2022 Evicted Kyle Capener. New HOH Revealed (Recap)

Hey, “Big Brother” fans. Tonight, September 1, 2022, another new, LIVE eviction episode did hit the air, and we saw another houseguest make their exit to the jury house before it was over. We also have the results of the latest, HOH (Head Of Household) competition.
Tonight’s LIVE eviction episode kicked off with more footage of what happened inside the house this week. Kyle talked with Brittany about her and Michael exposing his Cookout 2.0 remarks, which they implied Kyle may have been focusing on race instead of game play. At one point, Kyle asked Brittany, “Do you think I’m racist?” Brittany said, “That’s why this hurts because I don’t think you’re a bad person. I just don’t think you realized how your comments came across.”
Kyle talked with Monte and Terrance and told them, “I now realize how bad it looks to have accused you of having a Cookout 2.0 alliance, and I’m sorry.” Monte told Kyle, “It just sounds like BS to me.” Terrance told Kyle, “I feel like I’ve just been played. It should’ve been you who left last week.”
Monte told Kyle, “There’s a lot of honor in admitting your wrong doings.” Kyle said, “I did make a huge mistake, and I need to explore why that was even a concept in my mind.”
Terrance, Monte and Turner started thinking why Michael and Brittany didn’t rat out Kyle’s Cookout 2.0 comments sooner since it happened two weeks ago. So, they called a house meeting. During it, Kyle mentioned that he and Turner had a final 2 deal at some point.
Terrance asked Michael and Brittany why they waited to so long to rat out Kyle’s Cookout 2.0 comments. Brittany said, “I’m so sorry.” Monte said, “It feels hurtful that it wasn’t revealed 2 weeks ago when it happened.” Terrance said, “If I knew what I know right now, I would’ve never let Joseph go home.”
Taylor told Kyle, “We love you as a person, but at the same time, we hold you accountable for your actions.” Monte said, “Let’s just use this as a learning experience.” Taylor echoed that. Kyle said, “I am an imperfect person trying to get better. I’m sorry. I have a lot of growing and work to do as a person. I know I’m going home. Terrance, I’m sorry about Joseph.”
After all of that, they showed the POV (Power Of Veto) meeting footage. During it, Michael took Brittany off the chopping block. Turner replaced her with Kyle. Turner told Kyle, “I just think this is in the house’s best interest. It’s nothing personal. I love you, bro.”
Monte told the private cams, “Kyle seems remorseful for his wrong actions. So, if he wants to talk, I’m totally down for it.” Alyssa told Kyle, “I don’t think we should leave this game in a relationship. You never fought for me in this game. You always would’ve picked yourself over me, and that’s just not someone I think I can have a relationship with.” So, they broke up.
Kyle cried to Monte saying, “I’m sorry, bro. I really am. Your friendship means a lot to me. You’ve never done anything wrong against me at any point. It was entirely wrong for me to have assumed anything like that.”
Monte told Kyle, “This hits home for me because I had similar experiences like this in high school. I don’t hate you. I just didn’t like your thought process, but I forgive you.”
Monte and Taylor were seen talking, and they both agreed that they need to take a shot at getting Michael out as soon as they possibly can because he’s going to win this game if they don’t.
After all of that, the eviction nominees Kyle and Taylor gave their final plea speeches. Next, the rest of the houseguests minus HOH Turner casts their votes to evict. Michael, Alyssa, Terrance, Brittany and Monte all voted to evict Kyle. No one voted to evict Taylor. So, by a unanimous vote of 5-0, Kyle was indeed evicted from the Big Brother season 24 house tonight. Kyle gave everyone a hug on the way out.
Kyle gave his exit interview with host Julie Chen-Moonves. Kyle told Julie, “It was a very tough week, but I’m feeling so grateful to have had this experience. Everyone was so loving to someone as flawed as me.”
Talking about his Cookout 2.0 comments, Kyle said, “As terrible as it sounds, it didn’t click for me at the time. Now, I realize how terrible it was. Me overthinking the game possibly played a part in it.”
In reference to the Split House twist, Kyle said, “Going into the split house, I felt like I was left out. I felt like I was on the outs with the Leftovers. Alyssa was definitely a factor. It was my chance to come clean with her and work with her. Unfortunately, it was short-lived.”
After Kyle’s exit interview, Julie revealed that there will be another double eviction in next Thursday night’s LIVE eviction episode.
Then, the remaining houseguests minus outgoing HOH Turner competed in a new HOH competition. It was titled, “Burning Bot.” In it, they had to transfer puzzle pieces and assemble them for the win. They did not finish showing this comp on the LIVE show, but we did get to see it wrap up on the LIVE feeds.
When the comp was all over with, it was Michael who emerged as the winner! That’s right, guys. Michael just added another comp win to his very long and extensive list of wins.
Michael will be nominating two people for eviction at some point tomorrow, September 2, 2022. Who will those two, unlucky people be? That is the big question right now. What we can tell you is that we’ll be back on here, tomorrow, to report who Michael nominated for eviction. So, definitely look out for that report.
The next, new episode of Big Brother season 24 is scheduled to air this Sunday night,September 4, 2022 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS.
Alright, guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest, “Big Brother” recap report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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