Big Brother 24 Spoilers: September 18, 2022 Unofficial Final 3 Houseguests Revealed

Hey, fellow, “Big Brother” fans. We hope your Sunday is going well. We are back with another spoilery, Big Brother season 24 development. Apparently, an unofficial final 3 for this season has already been revealed via the LIVE feeds according to the folks over at Big Brother Network.
Before we tell you about this new development, we need to do a brief recap of this week so far. As we previously reported, Taylor won HOH (Head Of Household) this past Thursday night, September 15, 2022, locking her place in the final 3.
Then, both the eviction nomination ceremony and POV (Power Of Veto) competition took place on Friday, September 16, 2022. When those events were completed, Taylor had nominated Brittany and Turner for eviction, and Monte had pulled out the final POV competition of this season.
This win for Monte locked him in as the second houseguest to join Taylor in the final 3. Not only that, it also gave Monte the sole power to choose who gets to join him and Taylor in the final 3. That’s right, guys. This Thursday night, September 22, 2022, we’re going to see Monte vote for either Brittany or Turner to stick around and join him and Taylor for the final 3 showdown.
With all that recap info explained, it turns out that we may already have an unofficial answer for who will be joining Monte in the final 3. This past Friday morning at around 11:53 am pacific time, September, 2022, Monte was seen talking to the LIVE feed cams, and he totally explained who he wants to keep around this Thursday night. Not only that, he explained his logic for it, and we have to say it makes total sense.
Monte explained that he definitely wants to keep Turner around even though he may be a better competitor than Brittany because he believes Turner will take him to the final 2 if he wins the last 3-part HOH competition. He doesn’t feel that same way about Brittany. He thinks Brittany would totally take Taylor to the final 2 over him if she won and vice-versa, and he’s absolutely right about that.
In fact, Taylor has been working overtime to try and convince Monte to vote out Turner because she believes she has a better chance with Brittany in the final 3, but that’s not the case for Monte. Also, Monte thinks Taylor would take him to final 2 over Turner. However, he does not think Taylor would take him to final 2 over Brittany, and once again, he’s right. Taylor has been seen talking with Brittany about trying to get her into the final 3. She’s doing everything she can.
So, it is highly unlikely that Monte will be budging on his current mindset to vote out Brittany and keep Turner aboard for the final 3 showdown.
With all that said, that makes this an unofficial, Big Brother season 24, final 3 spoiler report. If we see something else play out this Thursday night, we will be highly surprised. How do you guys feel about Monte, Taylor and Turner as the final 3 houseguests this season? Are you happy about it? Are you sad about it? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.
Alright, guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest, “Big Brother” TV show, spoiler report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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I am or was not a Big Brother fan, however watched Celebrity Big Brother when Tamar and Kandi were on and Tamar won. Then caught my attention again wirh the Cookout season and I dare say I might be hooked. Nicole and Daniel should get Oscars, and Paloma started a fire and didn’t have the bandwidth to see it through. Bless them all. Of course if I am being honest I would love to see two BIPOC at the end, just as ling as Brittany is voted off I am good with Monte, Taylor and Turner. May the best player man/woman win