New Law & Order Season 22 Spoilers For January 12, 2023 Episode 11 Revealed

New Law & Order Season 22 Spoilers For January 12, 2023 Episode 11 Revealed

Hey, “Law & Order” fans. We hope you guys totally enjoyed episode 10 last week. Now that episode 10 is well behind us, it’s time for us to hop on here and give you another new spoiler session. This one will be for the next, new episode 11 of Law & Order’s current season 22, which is due out tonight, January 12, 2023.

We were able to dig up a couple of new, official teaser scoops for this new episode 11 via NBC’s official episode 11 press release description. So, we’re going to definitely read it over and tell you what’s going down right now. Let’s go.

First off, there is an official title for this new episode 11 of Law & Order’s current season 22. The writers decided to name it, “SECOND CHANCE.” It sounds like episode 11 will feature some very intense, scandalous, dramatic, action-filled and interesting scenes as a surprise arrest is made. Samantha Maroun gets tasked with some extra responsibility and more.

We’ll go ahead and start off this spoiler session with the surprise arrest situation. Yep, it turns out that a very intense scandal will take place in this episode as an ex-con will get beaten to death at some point! In response, we’re going to see Cosgrove and Shaw jump on this case and end up making an arrest of someone we would supposedly least expect.

NBC’s official description for this surprise arrest plotline reads like this, “When an ex-con is found beaten to death, Cosgrove and Shaw arrest an unlikely culprit.”

The second and final spoiler scoop for this new episode 11 lets us know that Samantha Maroun will be dealing with a very special court case as the suspect on trial is someone she actually as personal feelings for. Samantha and Price won’t be able to reach an agreement for the best way to handle this trial. So, Samantha will have to end up taking the lead.

NBC’ description for this Samantha Maroun and Price scenario reads like this, “Maroun must put her personal feelings for the suspect aside and take the lead in court when she and Price can’t agree on the best trial strategy.”

NBC’s press release confirmed that the next, new episode 12 of Law & Order’s current season 22 is indeed scheduled to make its debut tonight, January 12, 2023 at approximately 7 pm central standard time.

Alright, guys. That is going to do it for this latest, “Law & Order” TV show, spoiler report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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