New Will Trent Season 1 March 21, 2023 Episode 9 Spoilers Revealed

New Will Trent Season 1 March 21, 2023 Episode 9 Spoilers Revealed

Hey, “Will Trent” fans. We’ve got some absolutely wonderful news for you guys tonight. After delaying the next, new episode 9 of Will Trent’s current, premiere season 1 for 2 whole weeks, FOX is going to finally dish it up tonight, March 21, 2023, and we’ve got some new spoiler info for it.

The ABC dished out an official press release for this new episode 9. So, we’re going to definitely use it as a source for this spoiler session because it contains an official episode 9 synopsis. So, let’s get into it.

For starters, we’ve got an official title for this new episode 9 of Will Trent season 1. The writers decided to name this one, “Manhunt.” It sounds like episode 9 will feature some very scandalous, intense, dramatic, action-filled, suspenseful, interesting and emotional scenes as a GBI agent gets taken hostage. Angie runs into some emotional struggles and more.

We’ll go ahead and start off this spoiler session with the GBI agent hostage situation. Yep, it turns out that a huge scandal will go down in this episode when a convicted criminal shows up on the scene and takes a GBI agent hostage. This criminal will also be accused of murder. Will and Ormewood will work this case and stumble upon some evidence that could prove otherwise.

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ABC’s official description for the GBI agent hostage plotline reads like this, “When a convicted criminal takes one of the GBI agents hostage and is accused of murder, Will and Ormewood discover some evidence which could prove their innocence.”

The second and final teaser spoiler for this new episode 9 lets us know that Angie will get some intense-sounding screentime at some point. When we see Angie she won’t be doing very well. Apparently, she’s going to find out that her abuser is free and out on the loose. This will cause her struggles with staying sober to kick back in.

ABC’s description for this sad Angie storyline reads like this, “Angie struggles with sobriety when she finds out her former abuser is free.”

ABC’s press release confirmed that the next, new episode 9 of Will Trent’s current, premiere season 1 is indeed scheduled to show up tonight, March 21, 2023 at approximately 9 pm central standard time.

Alright, guys. That’s going to do it for this latest, “Will Trent” TV show, spoiler report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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