New Chicago PD Season 10 April 5, 2023 Episode 18 Spoilers Revealed

New Chicago PD Season 10 April 5, 2023 Episode 18 Spoilers Revealed

Hey,”Chicago P.D.” fans. We hope you guys totally dug what was served up in episode 17 tonight. Now that episode 17 is officially done and over with, we are back to go over what is coming up in the next, new episode 18 of Chicago PD’s current season 10, which is due out next Wednesday night, April 5, 2023.

We were able to track down a new, official teaser description for one of episode 18’s main storylines straight from the wonderful NBC people by way of their official episode 18 press release. So, that is what we’ll be tapping into for this spoiler session. Let’s do it.

To start, there is an official title for this new episode 18 of Chicago PD’s current season 10. The writers decided to go with the name, “YOU ONLY DIE TWICE” for this one. It sounds like episode 18 will feature some very scandalous, intense, dramatic, action-filled, interesting and suspenseful scenes.

In the new episode 18 a pursuit of a criminal family will be the main focus of this storyline that NBC chose to give up. Yep, it turns out that things will get real intense and scandalous in this episode when a very tragic crime gets committed at some point!

In response, The Chicago PD team will definitely investigate it. During their investigation, they will wind up looking into the Beck family and their deadly ideas. Adam Ruzek will end up infiltrating the Beck family and pulling off a very bold move that’s so terrific it earns him Samantha and Richard Beck’s trust.

NBC’s official description for episode 18 reads like this,”A tragic crime leads the team closer to the Beck family and their deadly ideology. Ruzek makes progress infiltrating the Becks, earning Samantha and Richard’s trust with a bold move.”

NBC’s press release confirmed that the next, new episode 18 of Chicago PD’s current season 10 is indeed scheduled to hit the air next Wednesday night, April 5, 2023 at approximately 9 pm central standard time.

Alright, guys. That’s going to do it for this latest, “Chicago P.D.” TV show, spoiler report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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