New The Conners Season 5 April 5, 2023 Episode 19 Preview Revealed

New The Conners Season 5 April 5, 2023 Episode 19 Preview Revealed

Hey, “The Conners” fans. We’ve got some wonderful and terrific news for you guys ,today, because ABC is going to finally get back to airing new episodes of The Conners tonight, April 5, 2023. That’s right, guys. After pausing new episodes of The Conners for a couple of weeks, ABC is going to finally air the next, new episode 19 of The Conners’ current season 5, and we’ve got some preview information for it.

We were able to track down an official description for this new episode 19 straight from ABC’s official episode 19 press release synopsis. So, we’re going to run it by you for this preview session. Let’s get to it.

The first info out of the gate is the official title for this new episode 19 of The Conners season 5. The writers decided to name this one, “Text Thread and The Marital Bed.”

In tonight’s new episode 19, you guys are going to get some news scenes, featuring Louise and Becky in action. Apparently, these two are going to get into a very intense feud at some point because Louise is going to accidentally send a rude message in the family text thread. Also, Darlene is going to get some new screentime in this episode. During her new scenes, she will be busy trying to spice up things in the bedroom with Ben.

ABC’s official description for episode 19 of The Conners season 5 reads like this, “Louise gets into a feud with Becky after accidentally sending a rude message in the family text thread. Meanwhile, Darlene tries to spice up her sex life with Ben.”

ABC’s press release confirmed that the next, new episode 19 of The Conners’ current season 5 is indeed scheduled to finally make its way to the air tonight, April 5, 2023 at approximately 7 pm central standard time.

Alright, guys. That is going to do it for this latest, “The Conners” TV show, preview report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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