New A Million Little Things Season 5 May 3, 2023 Finale Episode 13 Spoilers Revealed

New A Million Little Things Season 5 May 3, 2023 Finale Episode 13 Spoilers Revealed

Hey, “A Million Little Things” fans. It’s that time again. We are back again to reveal that ABC has another new installment of your favorite show A Million Little Things lined up to air next Wednesday night, May 3, 2023. However, this is going to be the final one of A Million Little Things’ current and last season 5.

Yep, that’s right, guys. The next, new episode 13 will officially be the very last episode of A Million Little Things forever as it is the season and series finale episode.

ABC did provide us with a very small and extremely vague teaser description for this new episode 13 by way of their official episode 13 press release synopsis. So, we’re going to certainly give it a look-see for this spoiler session. Let’s get to it.

First thing’s first. ABC let us know that this new episode 13 of A Million Little Things’ current season 5 does have an official title attached to it. The writers decided to name this one, “one big thing.” It sounds like episode 13 will feature some possible dramatic, emotional, intense and interesting scenes.

In this new episode 13, we’re going to see the tight-knit circle of close friends give one last display of learning just how important friendship can be. In fact, it’s a million little things.

ABC’s official description for this new episode 13 of A Million Little Things’ current and final season 5 reads like this, “A tight-knit circle of friends is reminded that friendship is a million little things.” Yeah, we tried to see if there were any other details to dig up for this episode, but that was all ABC was apparently willing to give up.

We’re pretty sure ABC will serve up a new, official preview clip for this last episode 13 after episode 12 airs later on tonight. So, you might want to search for it on Youtube to get some extra, spoilery insights into this final episode. If we have time, we’ll drop back in here and post a link to it when ABC releases it.

ABC’s press release confirmed that the next, new, finale episode 13 of A Million Little Things’ current and last season 5 is indeed scheduled to hit your TV sets next Wednesday night, May 3, 2023 at approximately 9 pm central standard time.

Alright, guys. That’s going to be all the info we could dig up for this latest, “A Million Little Things” TV show, spoiler report, but definitely say tuned for more.

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