New Bold And The Beautiful May 8, 2023 Episode Spoilers Revealed

New Bold And The Beautiful May 8, 2023 Episode Spoilers Revealed

Hey, “Bold And The Beautiful” fans. We hope you guys totally enjoyed the way that this past week of Bold And The Beautiful episodes wrapped up today. Now that they’re officially in the can, we are back in action to tell you what will be going on in next week’s new batch of Bold And The Beautiful episodes, starting with Monday’s new, May 8, 2023 edition.

We were able to track down one official teaser scoop for the May 8, 2023 edition straight from CBS via their official, May 8, 2023 episode synopsis. So, we’re going to dig into it for this spoiler session. Let’s go.

To start, it sounds like Monday’s new, May 8, 2023, week-starting episode will feature some more very intense, dramatic, emotional and interesting scenes.

Yeah, in this new, Monday, May 8, 2023 episode, we’re going to see that big, emotional scene that took place between Steffy and Hope continue to play itself out. Those of you who saw today’s episode know that Steffy totally confronted the hell out of Hope for her subconscious flirting with Thomas after she saw them getting really close at one point.

Steffy straight up told Hope that she’s the one that’s causing Thomas to possibly fall off track and she won’t have it! She told Hope, “Be honest with me. Do you have feelings for my brother?” Then, the scene cut out.

Again, we’re going see this same scene pick up right where it left off in today’s episode when Monday’s new episode rolls around. CBS’ official description for the new, Monday, May 8,2023 episode reads like this, “Steffy demands the truth from Hope about her feelings for Thomas.”

You guys can expect to see more of Hope in the May 9, 2023 episode. During it, Hope will continue to overcompensate with Liam in an effort to get rid of her attraction to Thomas. We’re also hearing that Thomas and Hope will end up going on a business trip together in the May 11, 2023 episode, and it will definitely cause Liam to get super concerned. So, get ready to see that drama play out during the back half of next week.

Alright, guys. That’s going to be a wrap for this latest, Bold And The Beautiful, May 8, 2023 episode spoiler session, but certainly expect to see at least a few other scenes play out that were not mentioned in this spoiler article.

The “Bold And The Beautiful” usually airs every Monday through Friday at approximately 12:30 pm central standard time on CBS.

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