New Big Brother August 30, 2023 POV Episode Preview Revealed

New Big Brother August 30, 2023 POV Episode Preview Revealed

Hey, “Big Brother” fans. We’re back in action this afternoon to let you know that another new episode of Big Brother is indeed headed your way tonight, August 30, 2023. That’s right, guys. CBS is going to serve up the 12th episode of Big Brother’s current season 25 tonight, and we’ve got some new preview intel for it to run by you guys.

CBS put out an official, teaser description for tonight’s new, August 30, 2023 episode 12. So, we’re going to certainly see what it has to say and more. Let’s get into it.

In tonight’s new, August 30, 2023 episode 12,you guys are going to see footage of what took place in the house after reigning HOH (Head Of Household) Cameron threw Jag and Blue on the chopping block at the last nomination ceremony. From there, you’re going to see some conversation footage along with some Diary Room aka private cam footage.

You guys will see the POV (Power Of Veto) competition get played in this episode. After that, more conversation footage will probably get thrown in there until this episode concludes with the POV winner revealing if they plan to use the veto or not at the POV ceremony.

CBS’ official description for tonight’s new, August 30,2023 episode 12 of Big Brother season 25 reads like this, “The houseguests compete to win the power of veto. During the veto meeting, the winner of the competition can keep nominations the same or save someone from eviction for the week.”

Spoiler Warning: For those of you who are interested,we can tell you, right now, that Red won this POV competition, and he decided not to use it during the POV ceremony. So, you guys will see Blue and Red stay right on that chopping block at the end of this episode. Be sure to follow us on our official Big Brother Twitter page for the latest Big Brother news and updates by Clicking Here.

Again, CBS confirmed that the next, new episode 12 of Big Brother’s current season 25 is indeed scheduled to hit your TV sets tonight, August 30, 2023, starting at approximately 7 pm central standard time.

Alright, guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest, “Big Brother” TV show, preview report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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