Yellowstone November 26, 2023 Repeat Episodes Preview Revealed

Yellowstone November 26, 2023 Repeat Episodes Preview Revealed

Hey, “Yellowstone” fans. We’re back at you again ,this week, to inform you that the CBS people are going to dish up another new set of repeat episodes of Yellowstone tonight, November 26, 2023. That’s right, guys, and we’ve got some new preview information for them.

The first repeat episode for tonight, November 26, 2023 is going to air in the 8 pm central standard time slot. It will be the 7th episode of Yellowstone season 2 titled, “Resurrection Day.” In this one, the Beck brothers got really ticked off at the Duttons for not cooperating with them. Jamie was out and about trying to make a fresh, new start of things. Oh, and Tate got his first ever horse.

CBS’ official description for this repeat episode 7 of Yellowstone season 2 reads like this,”Tensions escalate as the Beck brothers become frustrated by the Duttons’ unwillingness to play ball. Jamie looks for a fresh start. Tate gets his first horse.”

The second repeat episode will be episode 8 of Yellowstone season 2 titled, “Behind Us Only Grey.” It will air in the 9 pm central standard time slot. In this one, a very scandalous revenge plot took place. Monica was busy contemplating an important topic. Jimmy was busy trying make sure he no longer owes anybody anything.

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CBS’ official description for this repeat episode 8 of Yellowstone season 2 reads like this, “John and Rip seek revenge. Monica ponders the consequences of her living situation. Jimmy clears old debts.”

If any of you guys happened to have missed those repeat episodes of Yellowstone when they originally hit the air, you might want to hit up CBS tonight to check them out. If you have absolutely no desire to watch these repeat episodes, you will certainly want to skip CBS tonight during that time and come up with some other plans.

Again, it’s been confirmed that CBS will air repeat episodes 7 and 8 of Yellowtone season 2 tonight, November 26, 2023, starting at approximately 8 pm central standard time.

Alright, guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest, “Yellowstone” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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