New Power Book III Raising Kanan Season 3 December 15, 2023 Episode 3 Spoilers Revealed

New Power Book III Raising Kanan Season 3 December 15, 2023 Episode 3 Spoilers Revealed

Hey, “Power Book III: Raising Kanan” fans. We hope you guys enjoyed tonight’s episode 2. Now that episode 2 finally made its debut tonight, we’re back on here to let you know about a couple of new storylines that will be playing out in the next, new episode 3 of Power Book III: Raising Kanan’s current season 3, which is due to arrive next Friday Night, December 15,2023.

We were able to round up a couple of new, official teaser scoops for this new episode 3 via STARZ’s official episode 3 press release synopsis. So, we will dig into it for this spoiler session. Let’s get to it.

First thing’s first. We’ve got an official title for this new episode 3 of Power Book III: Raising Kanan season 3. The writers decided to name this one,”OPEN FOR BUSINESS.” It sounds like episode 3 will feature some very interesting, intense, scandalous, dramatic, possible action-filled and suspenseful scenes as some paranoia creeps in. Kanan and Famous expand their horizons. Somebody is about to audition. Somebody’s patience is wearing thin and more.

We’ll go ahead and start off this spoiler session with the paranoia situation. Yep, it turns out that we’ll get some new scenes featuring Raq and Howard. Apparently, they’re going to be really, really paranoid about issues regarding the Task Force.

STARZ’s official description for Raq and Howard’s paranoia plotline tells us, “Paranoia sets in for Raq and Howard over the Task Force.”

The second spoiler scoop reveals that Kanan and Famous will be pretty busy in this episode as most of their time will be devoted to launching their weed delivery business.

STARZ’s description for Kanan and Famous’ new weed business launch reads like this,”Kanan and Famous launch their weed delivery business.”

The 3rd spoiler teaser lets us know that Jukebox will get some new screentime at some point in this episode. When we see her, she’ll be seen getting prepped to deliver up her audition.

STARZ’s description for Jukebox’s audition prep session reads like this, “Jukebox prepares for her audition.”

The 4th and last teaser spoiler for this new episode 3 lets us know that Unique will have some new interactions with Ronnie at some point, and it doesn’t sound positive as Unique will apparently be working Ronnie’s last nerve.

STARZ’s description for this intense, Ronnie and Unique scenario reads like this, “Ronnie grows impatient with Unique.”

STARZ’s press release confirmed that the next, new episode 3 of Power Book III: Raising Kanan’s current season 3 is indeed scheduled to hit your TV screens next Friday night, December 8, 2023, starting at approximately 8 pm central standard time.

Alright, guys. That’s all the spoiler scoops we could get out of STARZ for this latest, “Power Book III: Raising Kanan” TV show, spoiler report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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