New Law & Order Season 23 March 7, 2024 Episode 7 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

New Law & Order Season 23 March 7, 2024 Episode 7 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

Hey, “Law & Order” fans. Unfortunately, we’re in your faces tonight with some very bad news. It turns out that NBC is not airing the next, new episode 7 of Law & Order’s current season 23 tonight, March 7, 2024. Yep, NBC is going to make you wait one extra week to see it.

According to NBC’s official episode 7 press release, NBC doesn’t plan on airing the new episode 7 until next Thursday night, March 14, 2024 in its usual, 7 pm central standard time slot. So, certainly make a strong mental note of that very important date and time if you can.

In the meantime, we’ve got the info for what NBC is airing instead of a new episode of Law & Order tonight. According to the TV guide listings, NBC is serving up a repeat episode of Law & Order. It will be the very first episode 1 of this season 23 titled, “Freedom of Expression.”

NBC’s official description for this repeat episode 1 of Law & Order season 23 reads like this, “In the wake of a murder on campus, the line between free speech and hate speech at a university is examined.”

If any of you guys missed that particular repeat episode the first time it made its rounds, you might still want to keep NBC on your watchlist tonight to check it out. If you did already see that repeat episode and have no desire to see it again, you will most certainly want to make some alternate plans, asap.

Spoiler Warning: We did get a hold of an official teaser description for the next, new episode 7 of Law & Order’s current season 23 via NBC’s official episode 7 press release. It let us know that episode 7 is officially titled, “Balance of Power.”

NBC’s description for episode 7 reads like this, “When a successful Wall Street investor is murdered in his home, Shaw and Riley dig into his professional and personal lives to identify his killer. DA Baxter puts pressure on Price and Maroun to make sure his first case in office is a success.”

Again, NBC confirmed that the next, new episode 7 of Law & Order’s current season 23 is scheduled to finally arrive next Thursday night, March 7, 2024 in its usual, 7 pm central standard time slot.

Alright, guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest, “Law & Order” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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