New 48 Hours March 23, 2024 Episode 24 Preview Revealed

New 48 Hours March 23, 2024 Episode 24 Preview Revealed

Hey, “48 Hours” fans. We’re back in action to let you know that you can totally expect to see another new episode of 48 Hours hit the air tonight, March 23, 2024. That’s right, guys. After not airing a new episode last week, CBS will make it up to you tonight, and we’ve got some new preview information for it.

CBS put out an official press release for tonight’s new, March 23, 2024 episode 24 of this season 32. So, we will certainly see what it has to reveal in this preview session. Let’s get into it.

To start, we’ve got an official title for this new episode 24 of 48 hours season 37. It’s called, “Who Poisoned Angela Craig?”

In tonight’s new, March 23, 2024 edition, the 48 Hours team will take a deep look at a story about a couple named James and Angela Craig. James was a well-known dentist, and they were parents to six children they were raising in Aurora, Colorado. However,on March 6, 2023, Angela started feeling sick, and the doctors couldn’t determine why.

Over the course of two weeks, Angela was put on life support until she died. Her autopsy revealed that she was actually poisoned. The investigators who worked this case said that the evidence pointed straight to her husband Craig as the culprit responsible for poisoning Angela. Contributor Natalie Morales handled the reporting duties for this episode and case.

CBS’ official description for tonight’s new, March 23, 2024 episode 24 of 48 Hours season 37 reads like this, “James Craig was a well-known dentist, who with his wife Angela Craig, was raising six children in Aurora, Colo. But on March 6, 2023, Angela Craig reported feeling sick and her husband took her to the hospital. Doctors could not determine why Angela was so sick.

Two hectic weeks later, after being put on life support, Angela Craig was dead. Her autopsy revealed she had been poisoned and police claim the evidence pointed to her husband. Contributor Natalie Morales reports on the case set to go on trial this summer on 48 HOURS: “Who Poisoned Angela Craig?”

An alternate description tells us,”WHEN A COLORADO MOM OF SIX BECOMES MYSTERIOUSLY ILL, INVESTIGATORS SUSPECT SHE WAS MURDERED WITH A POISONED PROTEIN SHAKE. When Angela Craig’s autopsy reveals she was poisoned, police charge her dentist husband with murder. Natalie Morales Reports on 48 HOURS: “Who Poisoned Angela Craig?”

CBS’ press release confirmed that 48 Hours will be brand new again tonight, March 23, 2024, and it will hit your TV screens, starting at approximately 9 pm central standard time. It will also be available for streaming on Paramount+. This is a 1-hour event. So, expect it to wrap up at 10 pm central standard time.

Alright, guys. That is a wrap for this latest, “48 Hours” TV show, preview report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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