New Chicago Fire Season 12, May 15, 2024 Episode 12 Spoilers Revealed

New Chicago Fire Season 12, May 15, 2024 Episode 12 Spoilers Revealed

Hey, “Chicago Fire” fans. We’re back in your faces to serve up another new spoiler session for NBC’s Chicago Fire. In this one, we’re going to see what will be going down in the next, new episode 12 of this current season 12, which is due to arrive tonight, May 15, 2024.

We were able to dig up 3, new, official teaser scoops for this new episode 12 via NBC’s official episode 12 press release synopsis. So, we’re going to pull it up for this spoiler session. Let’s get to it.

For starters, NBC let us know what the official title is for this new episode 12 of Chicago Fire season 12. It’s called, “Under Pressure.” It sounds like episode 12 will feature some very interesting, intense, dramatic, emotional, possible action-filled and suspenseful scenes as a dangerous choice is made. Capp and Tony try to do something amazing. Some marriage issues reach a breaking point and more.

The first spoiler scoop reveals that Lennox will end up making a very dangerous choice while on call, and it will eventually cause Severide and Violet to risk getting into a clashing session with the Paramedic Chief Robinson.

NBC’s official description for this clashing session drama tells us, “Severide and Violet risk clashing with Paramedic Chief Robinson after Lennox makes a dangerous decision on a call.”

The second spoiler scoop reveals that Capp and Tony will be in action. From the sounds of it, they will try to do something pretty amazing as they attempt to break some sort of world record.

NBC’s description for Capp and Tony’s world record breaking activities reads like this, “Capp and Tony attempt to break a world record.”

The 3rd and last teaser scoop for this new episode 12 lets us know that Cruz and Chloe will get some new screentime at some point, and it sounds like they will certainly have had enough of each other as their marriage problems will reach a breaking point.

NBC’s description for Cruz and Chloe’s marriage problems breaking point storyline reads like this, “Cruz and Chloe’s marriage problems come to a head.”

NBC’s press release confirmed that Chicago Fire is showing up with a brand new episode tonight, May 15, 2024, and it will start at approximately 8 pm central standard time.

Alright, guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest, “Chicago Fire” TV show, spoiler report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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