Big Brother July 18, 2024 Cedric & Chelsie’s Games Got Penalized And More (Recap)

Big Brother July 18, 2024 Cedric & Chelsie’s Games Got Penalized And More (Recap)

Hey, “Big Brother” fans. Tonight, July 18, 2024, another new episode of Big Brother’s current season 26 hit the air. This one was the second half of the premiere, which began in last night’s premiere episode 1. So, we got to see the introduction of the second group of eight houseguests.

This second group of 8 houseguests are: Quinn, a nurse recruiter. Brooklyn, a business administrator. Matt, an account executive. Lisa, celebrity chef. Leah, VIP cocktail server. Cedric, a former marine. T’Kor, a small business owner and Kenney, a police officer.

Quinn, T’Kor, Matt and Leah were told to enter the house first. Leah told the private cams that she thought Matt was attractive, but could see herself working with Quinn.

Cedric, Lisa, Brooklyn and Kenney entered the house together. Cedric told the private cams, “I got a good feeling about Kenney.” Eventually, they were all told to go to the back yard. Host Julie Chen-Moonves told them that the other 8 houseguests had already moved in. So, they were totally unaware of that until that moment.

Then, just like in last night’s premiere episode 1, these 8 houseguests were told that they were given a chance to vote in an additional 17th houseguest, which of course, turned out to be Ainsley the AI bot. Ainsley pitched herself as being a 24 year old female from San Diego, CA, and she tried to sell them on why they should vote her into the game.

Just like last night, Ainsley did not get enough votes to enter the house from this group of houseguests either, but of course, it didn’t matter because Ainsley is an AI bot and will be participating no matter what.

Ainsley went on to tell them the ones who voted for her to enter the house, got to play for a secret power advantage. The ones who voted no, had to play in a comp that could put them in a spot of having their game downgraded if they finished in last place.

The upgrade game was titled, “Upgrade chip installed.” It was a physical comp involving moving chips into the right spot. The houseguest who did it the quickest, won.

The downgrade comp was titled, “Facial Recognition.” It was a physical comp involving moving pieces through a maze with there face to a certain location. The person with the slowest time got hit with the downgrade.

Quinn and Leah were the only ones who voted yes. So, they played for the upgrade, and Quinn won it. Brooklyn, T’Kor, Matt, Lisa, Kenney and Cedric all voted no. So, they played in the downgrade comp, and Cedric got the slowest time.

Afterwards, all 16 houseguests met each other. The AI bot told them Chelsie and Cedric’s games have been downgraded. The downgrades are that they will be BB AI maskots who cannot compete for HOH (Head Of Household) or POV (Power Of Veto), but they can still be nominated and evicted this week. The AI bot said it would let the upgraded players know what their upgrades are in secret. Makensy and Quinn will be seen learning their upgrades in Sunday’s July 21, 2024 episode.

Alright, guys. That is a wrap for this latest, “Big Brother” TV show, recap report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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