MasterChef August 21, 2024 Eliminated Fatima & Arthur (Recap)

MasterChef August 21, 2024 Eliminated Fatima & Arthur (Recap)

Hey, “MasterChef” fans. Tonight, August 21, 2024, another two, new episodes of MasterChef’s current season 14 did indeed hit the air with judges: Gordon Ramsay, Aarón Sánchez, and Joe Bastianich. Two more unlucky contestants got the boot by the time they wrapped up.

Tonight’s first episode kicked off with the remaining contestants learning they had to use Blue Moon beer in their dishes and make a Michelin star quality dish. They were given 45 minutes to do so. Last season’s MasterChef winner Grant Gillon showed up to be a guest judge.

Michael won immunity in the last challenge. So, he did not have to compete in this one. He also also got to choose someone else to be immune from this challenge at about the halfway mark. He chose to save Adam because it looked like his dish was gonna be good enough to win the challenge and save his whole Gen Z team.

During this challenge, Fatima told Gordon and Grant she was making a BBQ chicken dish. Arthur told Joe and Aaron he was making a cod dish. Adam told Gordon and Grant he was making a crispy chicken thigh dish.

Daniela told Joe and Aaron she was making a deviled shrimp dish. Kamay told Gordon and Grant she was making a dry rubbed pork chop dish. Jeet told Gordon and Grant she was making a fish and chip dish. Rebecka told Aaron and Joe she was making a snapper dish.

Murt told Gordon and Joe she was making a snapper fish taco dish. Warren told Aaron and Joe he was making a pan-fried shrimp dish.

At one point, Fatima said she was having issues with her BBQ sauce. Arthur said he messed up his fish and had to start over. Daniela said her shrimp wasn’t fully cooked with less than 2 minutes to go in the challenge. After the time was up, the judges looked at everyone’s dishes and revealed that the top dishes belonged to Murt, Kamay, Arthur and Rebecka.

Murt presented beer battered fish tacos dish. Gordon said, “It looks beautiful.” Grant said, “I really enjoyed this dish.” Aaron said, “You fried the fish perfectly.” Joe said, “This is something to be proud of. Good job.” Gordon said, “Good job.”

Kamay presented a spice rubbed pork chop dish. Gordon said, “It looks attractive. It’s delicious. Very smart. Well done.” Grant said, “This is perfectly cooked pork. Very nice dish.” Aaron said, “The beer really came through in the sauce.” Joe said, “Great job.”

Arthur presented a pan-seared cod dish. Grant said, “The cod is out of this world. It’s really, really good.” Gordon said, “This is done correctly. Job well done.” Joe said, “Great job.”

Rebecka presented a snapper puttanesca dish. Gordon said, “You nailed the fish. Smart beer move.” Grant said, “The sauce is incredible. Rockstar dish.” Joe said, “This dish is amazing.”

After all of that, the judges decided that Rebecka had the best dish. So, she won immunity from the next challenge and safety for her entire Baby Boomers team.

Next, the judges revealed that the worst dishes belonged to: Fatima, Jeet and Daniela. Fatima presented a BBQ chicken dish. Gordon said, “The chicken is overcooked and lacks salt and seasoning.” Joe said, “This dish is very average.” Grant said,”I’m struggling to see how you added bear in this dish.”

Jeet presented a beer battered fish dish. Gordon said, “It looks uninspired, but the fish is cooked beautifully. Good job.” Joe said, “It taste a lot better than it looks.” Grant said, “The beer flavor came through.”

Daniela presented a beer poached shrimp dish. Gordon said, “It looks undercooked. The shimp is slightly undercooked. The rice is a little bland.” Grant said, “The sauce is reduced too far.” Joe said, “It lacks the thought process of a winning dish.”

After all of that, the judges decided that Fatima had the worst dish. So, she was eliminated. Gordon told her, “The chicken was too dry and overcooked and lacked highlighting the beer.” Fatime told the private cams, “I’m happy about all the things I’ve learned here. I will keep on cooking.”

The second episode kicked off with the remaining contestants showing up at a working rock quarry site. They learned they had to cook lunch for over 100 workers. The winning team would be safe from elimination.

The judges decided to pair up the Gen Z contestants with the Baby Boomers contestants for the blue team, and the Millennials with Gen X contestants for the red team. Rebecka was chosen to be the blue team captain by her team, and Arthur to be the red team captain.

The blue team decided to cook chicken sandwiches, and the Red team cooked hamburgers. During the challenge, Kamay kept challenging Arthur’s captain position, and he told the private cams that he knew what she was doing. So, there was some tension between those two.

At one point, the two teams had to present a sample of their dishes to the judges. The blue team presented a grilled chicken southwestern sandwich dish. Gordon said, “The chicken is on the verge of being dry.” Joe said, “The chicken is missing the crispy skin.” So, Rebecka went back and told Horacio to make the chicken more moist and keep the skin.

The red team presented a Chipotle Bacon & Swiss Burger dish. Joe said, “The burger is very good. Close to perfect. The cold slaw is too raw.” Gordon said, “The burger is delicious.”

Rebecka told the private cams that Horacio is messing up everything because Gordon said his marinade was too salty. Rebecka eventually took Horacio off the chicken and threw Murt and Hallie on it. They did a much better job.

Gordon found a raw burger from the red team and tossed it. The red team got real behind on the cold slaw. Kimberly told the private cams that maybe Kamay should take over as captain for the red team.

Gordon found some raw chicken from the blue team. So, Murt and Hallie were warned about that. The red team got complaints from Gordon about the bacon not being crispy enough. Gordon told them to get the bacon on the grill.

The red team got grilled for not washing the lettuce at one point. They also ran out of cold slaw and bacon. Gordon told the red team, “You had the best dish, and you just couldn’t get your act together. Shut it down.”

At the end, the votes from all the workers revealed that the Blue team won this challenge. Since Rebecka was the blue team captain, she won an advantage for the next challenge.

The judges selected Arthur, Daniela and Teet as the bottom 3 from the red team, and they decided to eliminate Arthur. Gordon told Arthur, “You just couldn’t orchestrate the execution well enough.”

Alright, guys. That is a wrap for this latest, “MasterChef” TV show, recap report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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