New Deadliest Catch September 3 Preview Reveals Dangerous Fishing Encounter & More

New Deadliest Catch September 3 Preview Reveals Dangerous Fishing Encounter & More

Hey, “Deadliest Catch” fans. We’re back on here to let you guys know that the Discovery Channel is serving up another new episode of Deadliest Catch tonight, September 3, 2024. This one will be the 12th installment of this current season 20, and we’ve got some new preview info for it to run by you guys.

The Discovery Channel served up an official press release description for this new episode 12. So, we will certainly take a look at it for this preview session. Let’s get to it.

First thing’s first. We’ve got an official title for this new episode 12. It’s called, “Raw Winter.” In this new episode 12, Sig and Keith will be seen in dangerous action as they take on a risky fishing adventure that takes them far out from any visible signs of land.

Johnathan will also be seen in this episode. Some sand fleas will end up eating his bait. So, we’ll see Johnathan strategically set up some pots near a volcano at some point.

The Discovery Channel’s official description for tonight’s new episode 12 of Deadliest Catch season 20 reads like this, “Sig and Keith risk fishing far from land despite a forecast, Super El Niño season and encounter a gauntlet of Bering Sea weather. After sand fleas consume his bait, Johnathan strategically sets pots near a submarine volcano.”

It’s confirmed by TV Guide that Deadliest Catch is indeed scheduled to show up with the new episode 12 of season 20 tonight, September 3, 2024 in the 7 pm central standard time slot, and it will be a large, 2-hour event. So, expect it to wrap up at 9 pm central standard time.

Alright, guys. That is a wrap for this latest, “Deadliest Catch” TV show, preview report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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