New Chicago PD February 19 Episode 13 Spoilers Reveal A Dangerous Street War

New Chicago PD February 19 Episode 13 Spoilers Reveal A Dangerous Street War

It’s confirmed that the people over at NBC are scheduled to air the next, new episode 13 of Chicago PD’s current season 12 tonight, and it will feature some very dangerous, street war activity and more.

NBC served up an official press release synopsis for this new episode 13. It reveals that the episode is officially labeled/titled, “Street Jesus.”

NBC only revealed one storyline scoop for this episode, and it again lets us know about the street war activity that will be going on. It will be so bad that it will actually threaten the efforts that Kevin Atwater is putting in to try and get a community-center project up and running.

NBC’s official description for this new episode 13 of Chicago PD season 12 reads like this, “A mounting street war threatens a community-center project that Atwater is trying to get off the ground.”

Again, NBC’s press release confirmed that another new episode of Chicago PD’s current season 12 is scheduled to make its arrival tonight, February 19, 2025 in the 9 pm central standard time slot.

That is all the official teaser scoops we could track down from NBC for this latest, “Chicago P.D.” TV show, spoiler report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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