Big Brother 19 Houseguests Encountered Scary Earthquake Last Night, September 18th

Big Brother 19 Houseguests Encountered Scary Earthquake Last Night, September 18th

Alright, so yesterday night, September 18,2017,the final three Big Brother season 19 houseguests Christmas, Paul and Josh got a bit of a scare in the very late hours of the night while they were busy playing poker or some game with the cards. They were also drinking beer and joking.

The joking would stop at around 11:21 pm pacific time when all of a sudden the house started shaking! Christmas’ face immediately went from laughing and smiling to frowning and her eyes went wide. Paul immediately told them it’s an earthquake.

Paul said, “It’s an earthquake! Put your cards down. Walk outside. Come on.” Christmas said, “Holy cow!” While they were in the backyard, Paul said, “Wait.” Josh said, “What the f@#ck. The whole house moved.” Paul said, “That’s what an earthquake is.” Josh said, “I never experienced that in my life.”

Paul said, “This whole season I’ve been saying this is earthquake weather.” Christmas said, “Stop, stop! Paul said, “Raven just sh#@t her pants.”Christmas said of Raven, “She doesn’t know the difference. She’s getting banged right now.” Paul said, “No she’s not. She’s alone.” Then he started laughing. (I guess that was a joke to imply that maybe Matt has already broken up with her. I’m not sure. Whatever it was, they thought it was real funny.)

Josh again said, “I’ve never experienced an earthquake in my life.” Paul said, “Wait for the aftershock.” Josh said, “An aftershock! What the f@#ck. Can we sit down? That was scary.” Paul said, “That was nothing. That was just a little shake.” Josh said, “I don’t wanna feel sh@#t.” Paul said, “Imagine an earthquake that goes on for like 10 seconds.” Christmas said, “That was like not even on the radar.” Josh said, “Dude, I can do a hurricane. I can’t do an earthquake.” After that, the feeds cut out.

At around 11:25 pm, the feeds came back on to show the houseguests playing cards again. They were earthquake free for the rest of the night. Josh seemed to be more frightened than all of them. Paul was obviously used to it since he lives in California. Christmas never revealed if she’s had experience with an earthquake but she seemed more calm than Josh.

Unfortunately, that was the only thing that shook up the house this season because it certainly wasn’t any of the game play.”Zing”

Let’s go over some of the other events that took place yesterday. At around 5:10 pm pacific time, Paul started practicing his final two speech again. He has been practicing that thing for the past two days trying to get it perfected. He’ll need to because from what we’ve been hearing, he could be dealing with a very bitter jury tomorrow night if he makes final two.

At around 5:20 pm, Paul said,”If I don’t win, I’m going to cry and don’t know what else I can do.” After that, he kept rehearsing the speech. He talked about all the moves he’s made and how he didn’t go on the block all season. We’re pretty sure he won’t mention the three weeks of safety he got via the “Pendant Of Protection.” But, whoever is up against him should if they have half a brain.

At around 6:16 pm, Christmas and Paul had a conversation about Raven and Jason. They’re hoping that Jason and Raven aren’t still upset about getting blindsided. Paul said he doesn’t think Raven is mad. (Yeah, we think Raven isn’t mad because she seems to still be clueless as to what actually happened. According to her, she was the puppet master. Ha! Ha!)

Shortly after the earthquake at around 11:50 pm, Paul started practicing his final two speech again. He made use of the oven clock to be his timer so he could make sure his speech doesn’t go over the time constraints of the live show tomorrow night.

At around 11:55 pm, Christmas and Josh had a discussion about the final two. Christmas told Josh, ” It’s okay for you to do what’s best for your game and to be strategic in your decision.” So, she still didn’t attempt to do any campaigning. It’s like she banked all of her chances of winning on being able to be physical and win stuff. Then when that didn’t pan out, she just gave up at the end. It’s very disappointing to see.

At around 2 am today, September 19,2017, Paul and Josh started doing some more whispering to each other about the final two while Christmas was in the diary room. They talked about cutting Christmas when one of them wins the final HOH. Paul told Josh, “The jury might give it to Christmas since she tried so hard. I think she has given up since she didn’t win either of the HOH rounds.”

Alright guys. That was it for all the exciting events of yesterday and into the early morning hours of today. The rest of today and about half of tomorrow will finally be the last days of this very mediocre season. And I’m being nice when say that. I did like parts of it early on. But as a whole, it was very bad since everyone just bowed down to Paul.

It’still possible that Josh might change his mind about taking Paul if he wins this last HOH but it’s highly unlikely. We’ll keep watching to see if anything changes.

The live finale show is still scheduled to air tomorrow night, September 20,2017 at 7 pm central standard time on CBS. It will be a huge two hour event this year so be sure to clear out your schedules for that and stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.

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