Big Brother July 15, 2021 Evicted Travis Long. New HOH Revealed (Recap)

Big Brother July 15, 2021 Evicted Travis Long. New HOH Revealed (Recap)

Hey,”Big Brother” fans. Tonight, July 15, 2021, the first, LIVE eviction show for this new, 23rd season of Big Brother did indeed air, and a unlucky houseguest got sent packing.

Tonight’s episode kicked off with footage of what took place in the house after the POV (Power Of Veto) Ceremony when Travis replaced Kyland on the eviction chopping block.

Derek X told the Diary Room aka private cams, “I took Kyland off the block because he shouldn’t have been up there to begin with, and to gain favor with Frenchie because that’s what he wanted me to do.”

Travis told the private cams, “If I go out, I’m taking Frenchie down with me. He’s a liar and doesn’t keep his promises.” Travis threatened to expose all of the lies Frenchie has told.

Christian and Xavier reassured Alyssa that she’s not going home over Travis. “We’re not gonna let that happen,” they said.

Frenchie was seen trying to make another alliance called the Slaughter House with Xavier, Whitney, Kyland, Christian, Alyssa, Derek f and a whole lot of other people. It was nearly the entire, friggin house! Derek F started saying to the private cams, “I think this alliance is a little too big.”

Frenchie told the private cams, “I created this Slaughter House alliance to keep the biggest threats close to me. I don’t trust half the people in this alliance. I’m just using them for protection.”

Then to get the rest of the house on his side, Frenchie decided to start an all-girl alliance with Tiffany, Azah, Claire and Hannah called the “French Kiss” alliance. The girls told the private cams that they don’t trust Frenchie for a second. However, they went ahead and went along with it just for amusement.

They celebrated Kyland’s 30th Birthday, and just for fun, Travis put on a tight dress and gave Kyland a lap dance. It was funny.

Tiffany told the private cams, “Alyssa should go home.” Tiffany and Claire gave Travis advice about how to convince Frenchie to keep him around over Alyssa this week.

Travis went to Frenchie and offered him his loyalty. He made the argument of how he’s a bigger target than Frenchie is, and he could be a shield for Frenchie next week. Travis ended his pitch off by saying, “What can Alyssa actually provide you?” Brent told Frenchie that was a good argument, and Frenchie agreed.

Next, the two eviction nominees Alyssa and Travis gave their plea speeches. After that, the rest of the houseguests minus the HOH casts their votes to evict.

Derek F and Tiffany voted to evict Alyssa. Sarah, Xavier, Whitney, Christian, Azah, Kyland, Derek X, Claire, Hannah, Britini and Brent all voted to evict Travis. So, by a landslide vote of 11-2, Travis was evicted from the Big Brother season 23 house tonight.

Travis went on to do his exit interview with host Julie Chen-Moonves. He talked about how Frenchie did not keep his promises and so on and so forth, and about how he made sure to expose that to the rest of the house before he left.

Next, the rest of the houseguests competed in a new HOH (Head Of Household) competition. It was titled, “Pool Shark.” It was a physical challenge that involved the houseguests trying to shoot a ball into a toy shark’s mouth from a certain distance. Kyland ended up winning it.

So, Kyland is the brand new HOH for this new week! Who will he nominate for eviction? That is the big question we have now. Nominations are expected to happen tomorrow, July 16, 2021. So, we’ll be back with the results of that tomorrow. How do you guys feel about Travis getting evicted tonight, and Kyland becoming the new HOH? Let us know in the comments section.

The next, new Big Brother episode is scheduled to air this Sunday night,July 18, 2021 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Big Brother” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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1 Response

  1. Pah says:

    Frenchie should just own his nominations like get rid of potential showmances So yes meet heads and showmaces go first no problem with Travis or Alyssa going home but frenchie should not have been making so much promisises.

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