Top Critics Gave New ‘Skyline’ Movie Mostly Negative Reviews So Far

Top Critics Gave New ‘Skyline’ Movie Mostly Negative Reviews So Far

skyline movie poster image

Top critics gave new ‘Skyline’ movie mostly negative reviews so far. Universal Pictures released their new sci-fi thriller flick “Skyline” into theaters today,and the top movie critics,for the most part” don’t appear to be to impressed with it so far.

It’s still early,though. Only three reviews are in right now,but if they’re any indication of the rest of the pack,the ratings might not turn out so great. The movie stars: Eric Balfour, Donald Faison, Scottie Thompson, and Brittany Daniel.

Kim Newman at Empire gave it a respectable C+ rating. She said, “Technically ambitious, dramatically basic. Still, it’s a major step up from an AvP sequel and delivers all the Saturday night whizz-bang and Sunday morning brain-ripping you could want.”

Megan Lehmann over at the Hollywood Reporter gave it a pretty bad D rating. She stated, “Beyond the dazzling “first contact” sequences seen in the trailers, Skyline is a spasmodic and incoherent shambles hampered by an astoundingly stupid screenplay.”

Roger Moore at the Orlando Sentinel gave it a harsh D- rating. He said, “Skyline plays like an effects guru’s resume reel, not a movie.” “Skyline” movie is in theaters now. Get your “Skyline” movie tickets by Clicking Here. You can read more movie reviews at Metacritic.

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1 Response

  1. castnews says:

    Honestly – Skyline is the most horrible, meaningless, storyless movie I have ever seen.

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