New Chernobyl Diaries Movie Delivered Lots Of Thrills,Suspense & Wicked Storyline

New Chernobyl Diaries Movie Delivered Lots Of Thrills,Suspense & Wicked Storyline

chernobyl diaries movie poster image

New Chernobyl Diaries movie delivered lots of thrills,suspense & wicked storyline. Warner Bros. Pictures released their new,crazy thriller flick “Chernobyl Diaries” into theaters this weekend. I just checked it out,and I thought it really served up a ton thrills,action,suspense,and more.

The storyline turned out to be quite sad and wicked. I mean, you could just tell these kids making a horrible mistake right from the start ,and it seemed so innocent at first. It stars: Devin Kelley, Jonathan Sadowski, Ingrid Bolsø Berdal, Olivia Taylor Dudley, Jesse McCartney, Nathan Philips,and Dimitri Diatchenko.

In the new flick, a group of six young tourists come up with a zany idea to take a little tour into the city of Pripyat, which is the former home of the workers of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor,but it was thought to have been deserted for 25 years. They hire an extreme tour guide to take them deep into the city so they could have what they thought would be a really cool trip,taking neat pictures and stuff.

The guards didn’t let them in, but the tour guide sneaks them into the city, via his own secret passage way. This raised red flags with some of the kids, but crazy character Paul, insisted they continue the shady trip.

Everything seemed fine at first,but things gradually started to turn into a nightmare. The first sign of trouble they faced, was that a big freaking bear almost ran them over, while they were inside an abandoned building. That scared them enough to want to get the hell out.

Unfortunately, they discovered that someone ripped the wires in the van they were driving,so it wouldn’t start. However, they were supposed to be the only ones there, since the guards were keeping people from entering.

At this point, the real nightmare began when the tour guide named Uri went to go see who was making a strange noise out in the woods. Then one of the kids named Chris went with him. Surely enough,they got attacked. Uri ended up dead, while Chris almost got his leg eaten off.

From this point, the kids went to look for help,and got picked off, one by one, as the things that were out there with them, continued to make their attack. The vicious killings continued until one of the girls was the only one left. She was able to find help,but it still didn’t end well for her. In fact, it was quite gruesome. Wow, talk about a seemingly fun trip gone very bad.

Overall, I enjoyed watching the flick as it provided a ton of suspense and thrills that kept me on the edge of my seat. Most of the time, the setting was dark and creepy. The storyline wasn’t the most original, but it still managed to thrill like nobody’s business.

A dark,creepy,background with scared kids running around, just never gets old, I guess. I gave it a solid B grade. Follow us on Facebook by Clicking Here. Follow us on Twitter by Clicking Here.

Andre Braddox
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