Lady Gaga ‘Just Dance’ Music Video & Info

Lady Gaga ‘Just Dance’ Music Video & Info

lady gaga just dance music pic

“Just Dance” music video by pop singer, Lady Gaga.The song is the first single off her album, “The Fame”. Lady Gaga wrote the song herself,and it also features another artist on the same label as her by the name of Colby O’Donis who released his album entitled,”Colby O” last year as well. It also features another popular artist, “Akon” who does the additional vocals for the track. The track was produced by RedOne, and it was nominated for Best Dance Recording at the 51st Grammy Awards.

The song has been a huge success by topping the charts in the United States,Australia, Canada, the Republic of Ireland, and the United Kingdom as well as some other countries. In the United States it was a sleeper hit because it hung around the Billboard Hot 100 for about 5 months before reaching #1 in January of 2009. It sold about 419,000 digital downloads in just one week. It has gotten the biggest single week sales by a female artists since digital downloads began being tracked back in 2003. The “Just Dance” single was released and hit radio stations on April 8,2008. Then it was released worldwide on June 17,2008.

I personally like the song. It’s kinda catchy.

Artist : Lady Gaga
Song : Just Dance
Album : The Fame
Release Date : October 28,2008

Watch the Lady Gaga “Just Dance ” video below.

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1 Response

  1. darlene says:

    your cool

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