Top Critics Gave Chris Rock’s ‘Death At A Funeral’ Movie Good Reviews

Top Critics Gave Chris Rock’s ‘Death At A Funeral’ Movie Good Reviews

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Top critics gave Chris Rock’s ‘Death At A Funeral’ movie good reviews. Screen Gems released their new Chis Rock version of “Death At A Funeral” this weekend, and the top movie critics in the business seemed to like it ok,with an acception of few,it got As and Bs. The others gave it a D and a C. It stars: Loretta Devine, Peter Dinklage, Ron Glass, Danny Glover, Regina Hall, Martin Lawrence, James Marsden, Tracy Morgan, Chris Rock, Zoe Saldana, Columbus Short, and Luke Wilson.

Ty Burr at the Boston Globe gave it a B-. He said, “the new version is completely unnecessary and sloppier than it should be. It’s also still funny.” Roger Ebert over at the Chicago Sun-Times gave it an A- rating. He stated, “Oh, I know a lot of Death at a Funeral is in very bad taste. That’s when I laughed the most.”

Lisa Schwarzbaum from “Entertainment Weekly” gave it a B+ rating . She said, “this version of Death at a Funeral comes to life with an unforced, bopping raunch and warmth that eluded the previous tea party.”

Bill Gibron at gave it a weak D+,stating, “As the narrative guide, Rock is given little to do, and Lawrence’s insolvent lech is wildly one dimensional.”

Kirk Honeycutt from the Hollywood Reporter gave it a C+. He said, it “virtually a shot-by-shot copy of the original. “Death At A Funeral” movie is in theaters now. You can read more movie reviews at Yahoo! Movies by Clicking Here.

Get your “Death At A Funeral” movie tickets at Fandango by Clicking Here.

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