New Godzilla 2014 Remake Movie Received Mostly Positive Reviews From Major Critics

New Godzilla 2014 Remake Movie Received Mostly Positive Reviews From Major Critics

Warner Bros. Pictures released their new action/sci-fi flick, “Godzilla” into theaters this weekend, and the top critics have submitted their reviews. It got mostly positives with an overall 62 score out of a possible 100 across 46 reviews at the site.

The movie stars: Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Ken Watanabe, Elizabeth Olsen, Juliette Binoche, Sally Hawkins, David Strathairn, and Bryan Cranston. We’ve posted blurbs from a few of the critics,below.

Matt Zoller Seitz from, gave it a great 88 score, saying, “The sheer filmmaking craft on display here shames almost any comparably budgeted superhero picture you can name.” Michael Phillips at the Chicago Tribune, gave it an 88 as well. He stated: ” The director thinks visually, which sounds redundant until you realize how many monster movies are flat, effects-dependent factory jobs. Edwards knows how to use great heights for great effect.”

Claudia Puig from USA Today, gave it a 75 score. She said: “Godzilla 2014 is a more somber and frightening reboot than the cartoonish 1998 movie.” Lou Lumenick over at the New York Post, gave it a 75. He stated: “The second half of Godzilla is definitely more fun than the first part of a film I enjoyed overall, if less than last year’s similar dip into giant monster blockbusterdom, “Pacific Rim.”

Richard Roeper at the Chicago Sun-Times, gave it a 75 score. He said: “While it has its moments of baffling plot development and the human characters aren’t exactly Shakespearean in depth, there’s some pretty impressive CGI monster destruction here, and the talented English director Gareth Edwards clearly respects the thought-provoking sci-fi roots of the original.”

Todd McCarthy from the Hollywood Reporter, gave it a 70 grade, saying, “Superbly made but burdened by some dull human characters enacted by an interesting international cast who can’t do much with them, this new Godzilla is smart, self-aware, eye-popping and arguably in need of a double shot of cheeky wit.”

Chris Nashawaty from Entertainment Weekly, gave it a 67, stating, “He doesn’t seem too interested in his actors — they’re more plodding than their reptilian costars and you don’t care about a single one of them — but Edwards does know how to fashion some serious monster mayhem.”

Tom Russo from the Boston Globe gave it a 63 grade. He stated, “An uneven spectacle that can’t sustain its solid first-half character moments. But the movie can also flash a surprising, often clever sense of legacy, and is intermittently capable of thrilling us.”

Peter Travers from Rolling Stone, gave it a 63. He said: “Seeing the scaly dude side with Mother Nature against the freaks is almost worth enduring the blather that precedes it. I said “almost.”

Betsy Sharkey from the Los Angeles Times, gave it a 60 score. She stated: “Ironically this big, lumbering movie could have used more, not less. More Godzilla without question, and more emotional content for its very good cast too.” A.O. Scott over at the New York Times, gave it a 60 grade, stating, “It is at once bloated and efficient, executed with tremendous discipline and intelligence and conceived with not too much of either.”

Peter Debruge over at Variety, gave it a 60, saying, “Edwards seems to have miscalculated our investment in his cast…simultaneously underestimating how satisfying some good old-fashioned monster-on-MUTO action can be.”

And to wrap things up, Joe Neumaier from the New York Daily News, gave it a 40 score. He stated: “Despite a few fiery breaths, there’s mostly hot air from a lot of serious actors slumming it.” Stay tuned. Also, get your favorite Movie stuff, and more by Clicking Here.

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