Big Brother 19 Jessica Started A Big Fight With Raven After July 31 POV Ceremony & More

Big Brother 19 Jessica Started A Big Fight With Raven After July 31 POV Ceremony & More

Alright guys. Sit tight because we’ve got a lot to tell you. The POV ceremony just took place earlier today July 31,2017. It was revealed that Paul decided to use his veto to pull Jason off the block. As previously reported, Jason was a third nominee due to finishing last in the Temptation comp which was a result of Jessica accepting the hex power.

No one will replace Jason. That leaves just Jessica and Cody on the chopping block. Now, at around 12:47pm Pacific time on the Big Brother 19 live feeds today July 31, Jessica pulled Raven alone into a room and just went off on her!

Apparently, Jess thought Raven was saying some sketchy stuff about her to Jason during the POV ceremony. Also, we want to note that Jessica was already heated because Jason gave a speech that personally attacked Cody. According to what Jessica said, Jason stated that Cody had a sh#@tty personality at one point during his speech.

Anyways, getting back to the Raven and Jess fight. Raven said she never said anything about her during the POV ceremony. She was just talking about the veto and how it was cut or something. Raven swore to Jess up and down that it had nothing to do with her. That conversation ended with Jess storming out of the room telling Raven, “It looked really sketchy.”

A few minutes later, Raven dragged Jess and Cody into a private room to further reiterate that her conversation during the POV ceremony had nothing to do with Jess. She did this over and over again to the point where I lost count.

She told them that she loved them and is not conspiring against them. However, she has to go along with the house or she’ll get targeted. Raven also told Cody point blank that the whole house is against him. That conversation ended with Raven saying, “Jess, I hope you believe me” accompanied with a hug.

In private, Jessica told Cold Cody that she’s so sick and tired of Raven acting fake and being nice to her face. Then going and talking sh@#t about her behind her back. Shortly after that, Raven started crying about the whole Jess altercation. Jason and Kevin approached Jess to confirm Raven’s side of the story.

Eventually, Jess went and sort of apologized to Raven. Jess told Raven that everyone has been targeting her and Cody, and that it has made her very paranoid. Raven said she totally understands and would probably do the same thing if she was in her position.

Some other very important facts to be noted is that at between 12:10 pm and 12:20 pm pacific time, Jessica confirmed with Cody that she will be using her hex power to save both her and Cody this Thursday night thus breaking the deal that she made with Paul. We definitely don’t blame her since Paul was secretly planning not to honor it anyways.

So, here’s the overall situation as of right now. Paul pulled Jason off the chopping block which makes Jessica and Cody the finale eviction nominations for this week. Jessica now plans on using her hex power to stop the entire eviction.

This will save both her and Cody making this Thursday night’s live eviction show a live non-eviction show. If all of these facts remain the same, that’s what we should be expecting to happen. After that, we’re sure Big Brother will come up with something else to shock us again.

Oh, one more thing. Paul has been seen contemplating saying certain things to Cody that will tick him off to the point that he will get kicked out of the house. Paul said there’s certain words that trigger him. It’s going to be pretty crazy if he tries it. Stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.

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