Big Brother August 26, 2021 Evicted Derek Xiao. New HOH Revealed (Recap)

Hey, “Big Brother” fans. Tonight, August 26, 2021, another new, LIVE eviction episode of Big Brother season 23 did indeed air tonight, and another unlucky houseguest was evicted and sent packing to the jury house.
Tonight’s LIVE eviction episode kicked off with the footage of what took place in the house after Sarah replaced Xavier with Derek X on the eviction chopping block at the last POV (Power Of Veto) ceremony.
Xavier told the Diary Room aka the private cams, “I’m actually the biggest competitor in this game, and I have been targeting Derek X.” Sarah told the private cams, “I feel confident I have the votes to get out Derek X.” Tiff told the private cams, “Derek X might be able to get me further in this game.”
Derek X told the private cams, “I haven’t given up yet.” Hannah told Xavier that Tiffany and Azah might want to keep Derek X around. So, Xavier went to work on Tiffany and Azah to convince them they need to get out Derek X.
Tiffany told the private cams, “I’m not going to let Kyland guilt trip me into voting out Derek X.” Tiffany told Xavier, “I understand where ya’ll are coming from with wanting to get out Derek X. So, I’m fine with that.” Tiffany told the private cams, “I told Xavier and Kyland what they needed to hear, but the game is still on. I’m going to flip it for Derek X.”
Tiffany told Azah, “I like the guys, but they would beat us in the end.” Tiffany told the private cams, “Now, it’s time to start planning how the ladies can take the wheel, and that starts with keeping Derek X this week.”
Next, they featured a video segment of how Xavier had to serve out his 24 hours of solitary confinement in the have-not room. Tiff told Derek X, “You know I need you here.” She told him he needs to collect as many votes as he can. She also gave him some advice on how to sell his pitch to people.
Derek X campaigned to Azah saying, “I’m not wrong for the game.” Then, he pointed out some examples why. Azah said, “I will think about it. You made some very good points.” Azah told the private cams, “Derek X staying in the house as a target is something to definitely consider. I felt certain about Derek X going up until 30 seconds ago. Derek X brought up some really good points.”
Next, the eviction nominees Claire and Derek X gave their plea speeches. Then, the rest of the housguests ,minus HOH Sarah, casts their votes to evict. Hannah and Kyland voted to evict Claire. Alyssa, Derek F, Tiffany, Azah and Xavier all voted to evict Derek X. So, with a vote of 5-2, Derek X was indeed evicted from the Big Brother season 23 house tonight.
Derek X gave his exit interview with host Julie Chen-Moonves. Julie asked Derek X, “How do you feel right now?” Derek X said, “It sucks. I was playing a long term game when my short term game was at risk. I took too big of a risk. I feel stupid, but I tried my best in there.”
Julie asked Derek X about his relationship with Hannah. He said, “Hannah is amazing. I love her a lot, but we were really focused on the game in there.” Julie asked Derek, “Will you and Hannah start dating outside the house?” Derek X said, “Expect the unexpected.”
After all of that, they showed footage of how the houseguests were given the opportunity to study for the next HOH (Head Of Household) competition. They were given clues that it will have to do with memory and certain moments from this season. They were shown numerous video clips from this season, which were referred to as NFTs.
Next, the new HOH competition began. It was titled, “BB NFTs.” The houseguests had to answer true or false questions about the video NFTs they were shown. When it was all played and done, it was Tiffany who pulled out the win!
So, Tiffany is the new HOH, and she will be in charge of nominating two people for eviction tomorrow. Who will she pick? That is the big question. The eviction nomination ceremony is scheduled to happen tomorrow, August 27, 2021. So, we will be back with the results of it tomorrow. I will say that we do suspect that Sarah will be one of the nominees because Tiffany has been wanting to get her out for a while.
How do you guys feel about Derek X getting evicted tonight, and Tiffany becoming the new HOH for this week? Let us know in the comments section.
The next, new Big Brother season 23 episode is scheduled to air this Sunday night, August 29, 2021 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Big Brother” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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This Black Brother is the most boring, most easiest games, most dull competitors, most cry babies ever. Done watching.