Big Brother 19 Alex Ow Revealed Why She Voted Against Paul In The Finale Last Night

Last night after houseguest Paul Abrahamian shockingly lost the Big Brother season 19 finale show for a second straight time to houseguest Josh Martinez, we got to see the backyard interviews. They were able to get Big Brother legend Dr. Will Kirby to do the interviews this year. In this particular interview,Will spoke with houseguest Alex Ow (above).
The first thing will addressed was Alex’s extreme anger she expressed during both the jury round table and at the finale show. Alex said, “Like I told you at the round table, I don’t like it when people screw me and he pretended to be my friend and it would’ve been fine.
I would’ve given him my vote had he not swore to me up and down that we were friends and like ‘this meant everything to him.’ Then I get to the jury house and find out he’s been lying and he makes fun of me behind my back! Why did you have to make fun of me? I would’ve just let you have your vote! Why did you have to make fun of me also to add insult to injury!
Will said, “You just cost Paul an astonishing 450,000. How does that feel? Alex said, “Did you see the part where he told me that he couldn’t take me to the final two because he knew that I would win first over him? He could’ve lost an honest way but he decided to go the dishonest way. So, that’s on him. Jury management is super important.”
Will said, “Sometimes, it’s awesome to crush someone’s dreams and you did that.” Alex said, “Yes, he crushed my dreams. So, I crushed his. He knew that I came into this game to play. I didn’t bring one pair of high heels like all the other girls! This is the only dress I brought! I literally came in sports bras and tennis shoes! I came here to win and he knew that! He took it from me!”
After all that, Will asked her if she would play Big Brother again. Alex said, “Alex wants to go on big brother,but Alex is scared of big brother for a second season.”
Will asked her, “What is that vet secret? Why do they do so well? Alex replied with, “They know how to play the game, and they know how to play it well. They know the ins and outs. They know how to manipulate people. Because the first time, Nicole was super sweet. Paul was super sweet. They have to get a tougher skin. I think I could have that, but I don’t want to play that aggressive. Obviously, I can play that aggressive. I just didn’t want to.
Will said, “I think you could come back and absolutely crush it because you clearly have all the characteristics. You just kind of made that one move which was trusting Paul, and you have to trust someone. It wasn’t a terrible move because it easily could’ve been you, Jason and Paul in the final three but it just didn’t work out that way.”
Alex said, “Yes, the thing is if I would’ve trusted Cody. I mean if me and Jason would’ve went with Cody and his team, we would’ve actually survived a lot longer because there wouldn’t have been as much mutiny in the end either. I think Cody’s trustworthy. I think Jason’s trustworthy. I think we could’ve been the top three.”
Will said, “When Paul could’ve saved you with the power of veto, he asked you will you go to the jury house and campaign for me. And you were like, ‘Yeah, no problem. I’ll do that.” Alex said, “And I did! I kept my word. I went there and then everyone was like you were the biggest joke of all and he was making fun of me the entire time. And I was like, ‘Nobody makes fun of me!’
So, let’s do everything analytically. We talked everything out and I was like you know what. He played a good game, but he didn’t have to play so selfishly. He could have played a straight game. He could’ve just continued on the way he did, but he had to make fun of everybody and call himself the puppet master.”
Will said, “There’s a lot of showmances in the house. You had a nomance but there was a connection with Jason. Not a physical one but a relationship none the less. Let’s talk about the physical relationships. There was three of them. I think one of them is going to last forever. I think one’s going to fizzle out and I think one’s going to result in a baby conceived tonight. You tell me which is which.”
Alex said she thinks Cody and Jessica would have the baby. She thinks Elena and Mark might actually last. Then she totally called Raven and Matt’s relationship fake and believes that will be the one to fizzle out. In fact,she said she thinks it already fizzled out and that they’re not actually a thing.
To close out the interview, she and Dr. Will joked about her possibly doing “Survivor.” Alex thinks she would crush it on there. We think she would be good at competitions. We’re not so sure about how her social game would work out though.
But anyways, that’s the reason Alex gave for not voting for Paul. She thinks if he would’ve handled the situation better and not made fun of her, he would’ve gotten her vote.
Some of the other jury members that voted against Paul have echoed that same sentiment. So , it appears that Paul’s insistence on continuing to lie to the jury members even after they got evicted, played a big part in his loss last night. That was definitely the case with Alex anyways.
Next up, we’ve got Celebrity Big Brother. Hopefully, it’ll be really good and make up for this poor season 19 showing. We probably won’t start finding out who the cast is for another month or two. We’ll definitely keep you guys posted when we find out something. Stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.