New Big Brother Season 20 Power Of Veto Ceremony Results Revealed For Today September 10, 2018

Happy Monday fellow Big Brother fans. We hope you guys had a great weekend. It’s, of course, time to get down to some more Big Brother business. The Power Of Veto ceremony took place earlier today. Before we get into the results of that, let’s go ahead and get everyone caught up on the events that happened this week which led up to today’s Power of Veto ceremony meeting.
Kaycee won the Head of Household competition this past Thursday night, September 6, 2018 to claim the biggest power for the week. Poor, young Haleigh made the most awful pitch to Kaycee as to why she shouldn’t get thrown on the eviction shopping block. If you guys caught the tv show last night, Haliegh told Kaycee “You have me” about 12 or so times. We lost count. Not only did the statement in and of itself do nothing for Kaycee, the repetitiveness was enough to drive anyone crazy.
What’s really sad is that Kaycee actually probably does need Haleigh at this point. Haleigh just doesn’t have the skills to convince her of it. The house is way small now. It will only be down to six people after this Thursday night’s LIVE eviction. The people Kaycee thinks she has, may not be there for her in this final stretch.
Angela and Tyler are clearly a showmance. Brett and JC are ready to flip. Sam will do anything Tyler tells her to do. So, that pretty much leaves Kaycee all by herself when we get into the deeper stages. Plus, Kaycee suddenly winning all these comps does not help her case for why anyone should take her to the final two. She’s built up quite a resume and no one in the jury really has a problem with her. I could totally see her getting most of the votes.
We’ll see what happens, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Kaycee actually gets targeted sooner rather than later. Kaycee thinks the plan is to get rid of Sam and JC next, and it might be. But, in that same vein, it might not be especially with the house being so small now.
Anyways, getting back to this week’s events, Kaycee ended up throwing Sam and Haleigh on the eviction chopping block at her nomination ceremony this past Friday, September 7, 2018. Then on Saturday, September 8, 2018, everyone but JC competed for the coveted Power Of Veto. JC wasn’t randomly drawn to play which is why he sat out.
After everything was completed, Kaycee emerged the winner of the third, straight veto in a row which is quite annoying. I was thinking to myself,’Can anyone step up and beat her or what?’ Geez, this is getting ridiculous.”
If anyone in the history of Big Brother could possibly win out, it would be Kaycee at this point. Anyways, that POV win has led us up to today’s Power Of Veto ceremony. It was up to Kaycee to reveal if she was going to use the veto to save one of her own eviction nominees from the chopping block.
And, of course, Kaycee chose not to use the Power Of Veto to save either Haleigh or Sam. That means Sam and Haleigh are the final eviction nominees for this week. One of them will be walking out the door and into the jury house this Thursday night,September 13, 2018.
Again, we wish Haleigh would’ve had the skill-set to convince Kaycee to work with her. It could’ve made this last stretch a little more interesting. Haleigh could’ve easily just told Kaycee the dynamic of the house was totally different when she put her on the block.
Haleigh had an alliance at that point, but not anymore. It wouldn’t benefit her game to put up Kaycee at this point. That would’ve went over a lot more real and sincere because it’s freaking true. Haleigh is really alone and doesn’t have an alliance anymore.
But, oh well. Haleigh just isn’t that type of person that can convince people to do anything. So, we’re 99.9 percent sure she will go him on Thursday. Kaycee has made it abundantly clear that Haleigh is her target. We say 99.9 percent because it is still Big Brother. Anything can happen. There is still three days left until Thursday. Who knows? Haleigh might wake up and surprise us all, but I doubt it. I would love it if she did, but I doubt it.
Currently, Brett and JC seem pretty content on letting Haleigh go home, and to attempt their flip at a later time. They don’t control the votes this week anyways. So, even if they wanted to somehow save Haleigh, they couldn’t.
The only hope Haleigh would have right now is if she could somehow convince Kaycee she needs to keep her over Sam. Then get Brett and JC’s votes for a tie-break situation. All of these scenarios would take a freaking miracle at this point. So again, it’s most likely bye, bye Haleigh this Thursday night.
Oh, there’s one other possibility we forgot to mention. Sam could have another one of her crazy episodes again and freak everybody out enough to want to get rid of her. Again, that seems highly unlikely, but you just never know what might happen. Expect the unexpected, right?
How do you guys feel about Haleigh and Sam being the final eviction nominees for this week? Do you want to see Sam or Haleigh go home? Let us know in the Facebook comments. As always, you guys can view the Big Brother live feeds yourself FREE for one week over at CBS by Clicking Here.
Another new episode of Big Brother season 20 is scheduled to air this Wednesday night, September 12, 2018 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS. It’s going to feature the Power of Veto competition, Kaycee’s Power Of Veto ceremony footage and much, much more. So, be sure to tune in to catch all of that good stuff. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.