New Shadowhunters Season 3 Premiere Date And Teasers Revealed

New Shadowhunters Season 3 Premiere Date And Teasers Revealed

Hey, “Shadowhunters” fans. It’s time to let you guys know when you can expect to see the brand new season 3 finally premiere! Recently, the folks over at TV Line revealed this vital information. They said the season 3 premiere date was revealed at the recent New York Comic-Con event earlier this month.

With no further ado, you guys can expect to see the new season 3 finally debut on April 3rd,2018. So, be sure to mark that very important date down on your TV calendars. It is unclear why Freeform opted to premiere the 3rd season much later than it did the first two seasons. They previously premiered in January of 2016 and 2017.

Our best guess is that they just simply wanted to bump them up to the Spring. It could have something to do with the ratings being better during that time of year or something technical like that.

TV shows are a business for networks. So, they often seek out the best time slots and periods of the year to debut a show. That could be what happened here. We’ll probably never know for sure. If we get any details on that, we’ll certainly let you guys know.

In addition to the season 3 premiere announcement, they also revealed that the 3rd season will get another 20 episodes just like the second season. There was also a reveal of two new characters that are going to be added to the mix. They are played actors Anna Hopkins and Javier Munoz.

Anna plays character Lilith who was introduced as the mysterious lady in the closing moments of Season 2. As for Javier Munoz, his character has yet to be introduced. He was just recently casts. Both of these characters will be guest starring roles.

They did reveal some sort of description for Munoz’s character. It turns out that he will be one of Magnus’ rival warlocks. So, that sounds pretty interesting. Munoz recently posted a Youtube video describing his excitement about his Shadowhunters character.

He stated, “You know I’m a fan of the show. I’m a fan of this genre. I’m already in love with this character, and I can’t wait for you to meet him.” He did a little funny dance at the end singing, “Yo, here we go. Shadowhunters season 3. Here we go. Here we go.”

Apparently, the Munoz video was made for the Comic-Con audience and the Shadowhunters cast that was on hand as he expressed that he was sorry he couldn’t make it out there because he had another show he had to do on that same date. You guys can check out Munoz’s video on Youtube by Clicking Here.

Last but most certainly not least, they also revealed the big, first trailer clip for the upcoming season 3! The clip starts out with an emotional scene of Clary in bed with Jace. She seen telling him, “After everything we’ve been through, I can’t believe that we’re here together.” Jace says, ” I just want to make sure I’m not dreaming.”

From there, they start kissing. Unfortunately for them, their moment of passion is very short-lived as Sebastian is seen barging into their room saying, “Kill her! What are you waiting for? Kill here!”It appears that the whole scene is some sort of dream sequence.

There’s a scene with Maia talking to Jace asking him, “Shouldn’t you be out hunting Shadows?” Jace responds with, “It’s my night off.” There’s a very interesting scene that features Simon trying to negotiate with the Seelie Queen. He tells her, “You got what you wanted. Let me go home. I’ll come by whenever you want to see me. Sing you songs. Teach you to make tacos.”

Apparently, that’s not good enough for the Seelie Queen as she responds with, “Take him to the wonder woods.” There’s some brief scenes that feature Alec and Magnus. Alec is seen telling Magnus, “All I care about is how you feel.”

There’s an intense scene that features some sort of monster or demon attacking while Isabelle and Jace try to figure out what the hell it is from another location. Clary is seen in another really intense scene where she says, “You want me!? Come and get me!”

The clips caps off with a creepy-looking scene accompanied by the words: “Together, we will usher in a new dawn.” You guys can view the new season 3 trailer clip for yourselves on Youtube by Clicking Here.

Update for October 31,2017: Recently, the folks over at got a quote from the executive producers of Shadowhunters Todd Slavkin and Darren Swimmer along with the director Matt Hastings. In this new quote, they revealed that we should expect season 3 to be more adult and mature.

We’re going to see some of the relationships that have formed on the show get taken to a much deeper level. The show will still feature the blazing action scenes, but it’s going to shift the tone a little bit by exploring the characters a little more deeper. They explained, “Season 3 is a little more adult and a little more mature. Some of that is just deepening relationships.”

Director Mike Hastings said, “The three of us work very hard to reinvent the show. The way the show looks and feels and tastes. I think tonally the show has shifted. It’s become a lot more spooky and more in the vein of Polanski and Hitchcock. It’s really much more of a slow-burn suspense and mysterious.

We still have the blazing action scenes and all that jazz, but it really is diving into the character with both feet. From the outside in, when you’re fighting demons, it’s not a happy, spunky place. It’s serious.”

In related news, we previously reported that the producers Todd Slavkin and Darren Swimmer dished out a preview of season 3 with the folks over at TV Line back in mid-August 2017 shortly after season 2 wrapped up.

During that preview, they revealed that Jace was indeed dead long enough for some strange things to happen to him, but they’re not going to reveal if he saw the afterlife. Todd stated, “He was dead long enough for some strange things to happen to him. So, take that as you will as we move into Season 3. We’re not really exploring whether he saw the afterlife although we love that idea as writers.”

Darren Swimmer confirmed that we’re going to see a new big bad in season 3 who goes by the name of Lilith. She actually showed up in the season 2 finale episode and referred to Jonathan as being her son. Darren explained to TV Line, “Yes, her name is Lilith.

Her blood runs through Jonathan Morgenstern. It was her blood that Valentine used to experiment on poor young Jonathan. She’s the Big Bad in Season 3. We were very geeked out when we created her entrance. What an awesome entry into the world in that cave with the wraiths all molding into one. We got really excited by that.”

Darren also confirmed that character Sebastian Verlac is indeed dead. So, the poor guy that plays him Will Tudor is out of a job unless they bring him back as a ghost or something on a regular basis which is highly possible.

Next, we got a very interesting reveal from producer Todd Slavkin. He said that Clary is going to get much more darker in season 3! TV Line asked Todd if her brutal stabbing of Valentine was a sign of her about to get darker? He replied with, “Absolutely. We can’t say enough about Kat McNamara’s performance throughout the entire finale. In that fight, her ferociousness and her relentlessness at killing him felt like this was a huge move forward with this character.

Clary will never be the same after this. Both of her parents have died and she’s the one who killed her father. There’s no going back to the little 18-year-old talking about art school. She’s embracing her Shadowhunter heritage more than ever.”

Todd also revealed that Simon appears to be stuck with the Seelie Queen for now stating, “He has made a commitment. He’s stuck there. That was the vibe we were trying to give off.”

Alec and Magnus’ relationship will definitely get explored much further. They’re definitely back together. The producers stated of them, “Oh, they’re back and better than ever! It’s a beautiful thing as we move forward into Season 3. We’re exploring the intimacy and domesticity and pushing that relationship farther along with added complications. It’s super interesting and fun to write.”

Todd chimed in again to reveal they’re going to show us a lot more information about character Eleven in season 3 and her investigation. He told them, “Eleven in season 3. You find out what’s behind her and what was behind this investigation throughout Season 2B. It was hard to get that in. There was so much else going on. So, we decided to wait until the next season premiere to peel back that onion and find out the ugly and exciting truth about her.”

Lastly, in that preview, they talked about beautiful Izzy. They revealed that most of her season 2 troubles will be gone and more. They explained, “The troubles of Season 2 are behind Izzy. She’s so interesting because it was the Mundanes who saved her life in terms of the AA meetings and beating her addiction. It’s created this new appreciation for Mundanes that she has moving into Season 3 which we’re really excited about exploring with her.”

Alright guys. Be sure to stay tuned as we’ll be bringing you all the latest season 3 updates and everything having to do with the Shadowhunters TV show. Be sure to follow us on our Shadowhunters Facebook page for more Shadowhunters news by Clicking Here.

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