A Big Brother 20 Houseguest Suffered Nasty Physical Problems This Morning June 29,2018

Hey, Big Brother peeps. It looks like one of the production’s twist ended up being a little too much for one of the houseguests in the early morning hours today, June 29,2018. According to the folks over at Big Brother Network and the live feeds, Big Brother season 20 houseguest Faysal Shafaat was the first victim of the BB app punishment twist.
The BB app twist offered the viewing audience the chance to answer questions about various housguests, and whoever got the least amount of mentions in the answers, ended up getting the punishment or the “crap app” as they call it. The person who got the most amount of mentions got the “power app.”
In today’s early morning hours, it was revealed to poor Faysal that he got the “crapp app.” It featured what they’re calling a “Hamazon Delivery.” During the Hamazon Delivery, production occasionally makes an announcement that there’s a new delivery in the storage room, and Faysal had to retrieve it. Then eat the meal. It was intended to be ham which isn’t very compatible with Faysal’s religion. In light of that, production swapped the regular ham out for a vegan version of ham.
Here’s where things got rough. Apparently, production really laid it on thick as Faysal had to eat multiple sliced meat deliveries to the point where it made him start vomiting at around 2:06 am Pacific standard time in the bathroom area. The kind-hearted crystals and auras girl Kaitlyn tried to comfort him while he was vomiting.
Faysal seems to be ok now, but he is definitely having a rough time of it with those Hamazon Delivery meals. Big Brother isn’t messing around this season. They want the housguests to really feel the sting of these punishments.
The good news is the houseguests can only get the “crap app” once this season. The bad news is that also means they can only win the”power app” once this season. Currently, we’re still waiting to see who has won the “power app.” The power app is obviously going to be the opposite of a punishment, giving the lucky recipient some sort of advantage in the house.
A couple of the houseguests have been speculating about who may have won it, but no one really knows yet. In addition to the power app winner, we’re waiting to see who is going to win the first Power Of Veto competition. It could really change things depending on who wins it.
Earlier today, Bayleigh was spotted balling her eyes out to the current HOH Tyler after learning that he wants to put her up as a possible replacement nominee if one of the current nominees Sam or Steve win the POV and save themselves.
Tyler tried to assure Bayleigh that it did not mean he was coming after her, but that he’s doing it to make sure either Sam or Steve goes home. Tyler had to constantly keep telling her this because Bayleigh turned into a major basket case over the situation. She’s kind of like Sam. She really can’t handle any kind of difficulties that get thrown her way. If she feels like she’s about to get nominated or that someone’s mad at her or whatever, she starts tearing up.
Actually, Sam seems to be doing better today which has given way to speculation that she might have won the secret “power app” award. Earlier today, she told Tyler she knows she’ll be staying this week no matter what. That’s a pretty bold and confident statement coming from someone who was just recently crying like there was no tomorrow even before she actually got nominated.
As previously reported, if Sam does not have a special power, she is most certainly the main target this week as of right now. Most of the houseguests have been talking about getting rid of her first and keeping Steve around if Tyler’s original nominations stay the same. We’ll certainly see what happens ,and keep you guys updated.
Also, it was revealed on the live feeds that the first POV players have been selected. It turns out that Faysal, Swaggy C, and Scottie have been picked to play along with the HOH Tyler and his two nominees Steve and Sam. The little dwarf guy JC was selected to host the competition. Let’s hope he can give out some clear instructions because his accent is mighty thick.
It’s also reported that Swaggy C has been threatening to take someone’s head off if Bayleigh gets put up as a replacement nominee for Sam or Steve. It’s funny because Tyler actually got Swaggy C into the POV comp due to houseguests choice, thinking he would do whatever he wanted him to. That obviously isn’t the case since Tyler would actually want to use Bayleigh as a replacement nominee.
At one point, Steve expressed that he thinks the athletic girl Angela should be thrown on the chopping block if he or Sam come off. Tyler said he actually wants to make sure Steve sticks around if Sam somehow comes off the block. So, that’s pretty interesting. You guys can view the Big Brother live feeds for yourself FREE for one week over at CBS by Clicking Here.
We expect the POV to get played either today or tomorrow June 30, 2018. So, stay tuned for that major report. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.