New Big Brother Season 20 POV Winner Revealed For June 30, 2018

New Big Brother Season 20 POV Winner Revealed For June 30, 2018

Hey,Big Brother peeps. Yesterday evening, June 29,2018, the very first Power Of Veto competition for season 20 finally got underway. It apparently was a really long, drawn out competition that lasted nearly three and half hours.

As previously reported, the participants were Swaggy C, Faysal,Scottie, the reigning HOH Tyler along with his eviction nominees Sam and Steve. The little dude JC hosted the competition. According to chatter on the live feeds, the housguests had to taste certain food items and get shocked. The full details are fuzzy at the moment. Anyways, the big first winner turned out to be Faysal!

Considering that Faysal just recently got a severe punishment for trending the least in the BB app twist, this is a huge turn-around for him. It’s reported that Sam was quite frustrated because she might have come close to winning it or something. However, if she won the power app twist, she might not need the POV. We’re still waiting to find out who won it. Everyone believes Sam won it though.

Faysal ended up celebrating his big win with Kaitlyn in the storage room, and he told JC that he doesn’t plan on using the POV which means Tyler’s nominees Sam and Steve will remain the same. Again though, if Sam won that special power app, it could change things. We’ll have to wait and see.

Along with the POV winner reveal, the live feeds featured some other pretty interesting situations that took place last night and into the arly morning hours. At around 9:11 pm Pacific standard time, June 29, 2018, the live feeds returned after the POV comp was completed. At around 9:14 pm, Angela was seen trying to comfort a very upset Sam. As mentioned earlier, it appeared that she came close to winning POV, but she got distracted by a production assistant.

At around 9:16 pm, Tyler tried to console Sam, and she told him she’s going home. However, Tyler told her she isn’t going home. At around 9:37 pm, Rachel, Kaycee and Angela engaged in a very interesting conversation. Rachel told them, ” We should convince the other side to give Sam a sympathy vote, and we can all vote to save her too.” Also, they mentioned that they think JC won the power app special power, and could save Sam.

At around 9:50 pm, Faysal got pretty ticked off at the little guy JC for telling other people he wasn’t going to use the POV. Apparently, Faysal was trying to keep that a secret because he didn’t want everyone knowing what his big master plan is.

At around 10:03 pm, Sam was spotted crying her eyes out again. Kaycee tried to make her feel better by telling her they are trying to find a way to keep her. At around 10:05 pm, Faysal and Swaggy C revealed they are confident Sam will get voted out over Steve this week. At around 11:15 pm, Faysal made a promise to Steve that he’ll be set for making it to jury if they can just band together and make it through this week.

At around 10:20 pm, Winston and Brett revealed that they were quite upset at how Swaggy C and Scottie performed in the POV comp. At around 10:40 pm, Scottie and Steve were trying to see if they have enough votes to send Sam packing.

At around 11:25 pm, another pretty interesting conversation took place between Tyler, Rachel and Kaycee. Tyler told them, “Faysal has agreed to not use the veto.” However, he also warned them that he plans to throw Bayleigh on the chopping block if Faysal somehow changes his mind and saves someone.

At around 11:35 pm, Rachel started wondering if maybe they could convince Haleigh to give Sam a sympathy vote and setup a surprise situation that would end with Sam edging out Steve by one vote.

At around 11:40 pm, Tyler and Kaycee expressed to each other that they are quite fed up with how cocky Swaggy C is. In fact, they were so upset that they started discussing possible opportunities to backdoor him when the time is right. So, uh oh. Swaggy C better watch his back.

At around 11:45 pm, Tyler, Angela, Kaycee, Winston, Brett and Kaitlyn came up with a name for their alliance. They’re calling it “Level 6.” They also celebrated their plans. You know? I hate this. These houseguests never learn that creating these oversized alliances never ends well. Every freaking year, they do this. I just don’t get it. It’s just unbelievable.

At around 12:25 am today, June 30, 2018, Bayleigh tried to question Swaggy C about his POV performance because she thinks he might have thrown it. However, he promised her that he didn’t.

At around 3:15 am, Faysal told Swaggy C who he plans to nominate if he wins the next HOH competition. Faysal said he wants to nominate Kaycee and Rachel. Faysal also revealed that he suspects Angela won the special Power App.

Alright guys. That wraps it up for any significant things that happened on the live feeds last night. As always, you guys can view the Big Brother live feeds yourself FREE for one week over at CBS by Clicking Here.

Next up, we’re expecting the POV Ceremony to take place probably this Monday afternoon, July 2, 2018. After it’s done, we’ll get a confirmation of who will actually be on the block during this Thursday night’s live eviction.

Right now, it’s looking like Steve and Sam will certainly remain on the block, but anything can happen inside the Big Brother house. So, we’ll see. Stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.

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