Big Brother Season 20 Bayleigh Dayton Is About To Go On Another Big CBS TV Show

Hey Big Brother fans. We’ve got some more interesting post-Big Brother season 20 info for you guys in reference to houseguest Bayleigh Dayton. You guys remember her, right? She’s the one that got into that major blow-up fight with Tyler Crispen during Haleigh’s crazy “I’m The Hacker” house meeting. Yeah, that one. Well, it appears that she’s about to experience a pretty exciting time with the rest of her family because they’ve all been invited to appear on a big game show that’s currently owned by CBS!
The game show that I’m speaking of, is the “Family Feud.” That’s right, guys. Bayleigh and her family are about to battle it out against some other random family on the popular game show in November 2018. Or at least that’s when her episode airs. They may have already filmed it.
So, how did we find out this awesome news for Bayleigh. Well, Bayleigh has her official Instagram account which is extremely popular these days. She’s rocking around 160,000 followers on there, and that’s where she posted this exciting news. In her Instagram post for The Family Feud, Bayleigh posted a photo of her with her family all dressed in red, posing on the Family Feud set.
Bayleigh captioned it with the words: “Dayton Dynasty will be on the family feud!!!!!!!!! Does anyone else have a family that can’t sit still ? All we did was laugh the entire time. Cannot wait for you guys to see Mark your calendars, set your DVRs for 11/12/18 and see how we do?!” You guys can view that post on Bayleigh’s official Instagram account by Clicking Here.
So, there you have it. She revealed that her Family Feud episode is currently scheduled to air on Monday, November 12, 2018. You guys will have to check your local listings to find out exactly which channel it airs on in your area. CBS currently owns the show, but I think it airs on different channels in different areas. For instance, it airs on a channel called My27 here in Dallas, Texas. Yeah, it’s sort of complicated.
Anyways, all of you Bayleigh fans will also be happy to know that Bayleigh has started up her own Youtube channel which is separate from the one she started up with her fiance Chris “Swaggy” Williams. This one is called “Bayleigh Daily.” Yeah, I guess it’s kinda catchy. Right now , it appears that she is just giving make-up tips on it. You guys can view Bayleigh’s new Youtube channel by Clicking Here.
She’s already up to 5,000 subscribers on Youtube. Bayleigh’s best friend in the Big Brother House Haleigh Broucher also started her on Youtube channel recently. It’s already exploded to 19,000 subscribers. You guys can view Haleigh’s new Youtube channel by Clicking Here.
Haliegh currently has two videos posted. The first one is an introduction type video where she tells everyone what she plans to do with her channel in the future. The other one features her braiding Faysal Shafaat aka Fessy’s hair. It’s cute.
Anyways, back to Bayleigh. How do you guys feel about Bayleigh and her family getting selected to do Family Feud? Are you happy about it? Are you sad about it? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the Facebook comments.
It’s unclear why Family Feud selected Bayleigh’s family in particular. My guess is that they made a very good impression when CBS filmed their segments for Big Brother. You guys remember. They showed Swaggy C going to meet them for the first time and all that jazz. Maybe that’s what landed them the spot. Who knows? All we know is that they’re going to be on it, and that’s great for them.
Alright guys. That’s going to wrap it up for this latest report from the world of Big Brother. We’re still awaiting additional news for Celebrity Big Brother season 2 and regular Big Brother season 21. Be sure to stay tuned. You can follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.