Actor Robert Pattinson Will Officially Play Batman Now In New ‘The Batman’ Movie

Hey, Robert Pattinson and Batman fans. Today, we’ve got great, big news for you guys. It turns out that the internet is currently a buzz over the fact that Warner Bros. Pictures has officially come out and confirmed that the former Twilight Saga main man Robert Pattinson will now jump into his next major role as Batman!
Yes, that’s right, guys. They are really making another one of these freaking Batman films, and this latest reiteration will feature former Edward Cullen star Robert Pattinson as the headliner according to They say he just closed the deal with Warner Bros. Pictures today, May 31, 2019. So, this is hot off the press.
They went on to say that Robert had been in negotiations with the studio back on May 16, 2019. The pre-production of this latest Batman film is scheduled to start up this summer 2019 sometime. Currently, there’s no official start date for the filming of “The Batman.” That’s supposedly going to be the title of this latest Batman flick. So, the title isn’t all that original.
“Planet Of The Apes” director Matt Reeves will be directing “The Batman.” He reportedly took over directorial duties from Ben Affleck way back in 2017. Matt Reeves’ Planet Of The Apes collaborator Dylan Clark is going to help Matt produce “The Batman.”
Variety pointed out that Ben Affleck was the last actor to play Batman. He played Batman in 2016’s “Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice” and 2017’s “Justice League” movies. Both of these titles were directed by Zack Snyder. It’s reported that both of these movies were a disappointment for Warner Bros. That’s a shame because I did enjoy watching them.
How will Robert Pattinson do as Batman? Nobody knows. He’s about 7 years removed from his very large Twilight Saga, Edward Cullen role that made him a superstar. However, we’re sure he still has a large fan base from that Twilight Saga following. And we’re quite sure that possibly had something to do with Warner Bros. Pictures hiring him for this film. The more eyeballs they can get for the movie, the better.
Coincidentally, Robert’s next movie he’s starring in was produced by Christopher Nolan who also produced a series of very popular Batman movies: “Batman Begins,” “The Dark Knight” and “The Dark Knight Rises.” This latest Christopher Nolan film is called “Tenet.” Robert Pattinson is starring in it with actor David Washington. It’s set to hit theaters on July 17, 2020.
Aside from Robert Pattinson’s Twilight Saga movies that totaled up to five: Twilight Saga, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn parts 1 and 2, Robert has been seen in such films as: Bel Ami, Cosmopolis, The Rover, Maps To The Stars, Queen Of The Desert, Life, The Childhood of a leader, The Lost City Of Z, Good Time, Damsel, High Life, The Lighthouse, The King, The Devil All The Time, Waiting For The Barbarians, The Stars at Noon and The Souvenir: Part II.
A lot of those latter ones are actually in post and pre-production. So, Robert has been kept quite busy as of late, and we can only imagine he will be super duper busy with this latest “The Batman” role, both on set and off set.
According to IMDB, “The Batman” is scheduled to actually hit theaters sometime in 2021. So, we’ve got at least another 2 years before we see Robert Pattinson show up on the big screen as the new Batman.
How do you guys feel about Robert Pattinson as the latest Batman? Are you happy about it? Are you sad about it? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest RobertPattinson/The Batman report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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