Big Brother September 12, 2019 Evicted Tommy Bracco, New HOH Revealed (Recap)

Big Brother September 12, 2019 Evicted Tommy Bracco, New HOH Revealed (Recap)

Hey,fellow “Big Brother” fans. Tonight, September 12, 2019, another LIVE eviction episode did indeed take place for this current season 21, and it sent another unlucky houseguest packing for the jury house when it was all said and done.

Tonight’s LIVE eviction show kicked off with footage of what happened in the house after Nicole used the veto to save Cliff from the eviction chopping block and Holly replaced him.

Holly told the private cams aka The Diary Room, “I have no other choice but to trust Nicole and Cliff to keep me.” Nicole told the private cams she totally knows she needs to get rid of the power duo of Holly and Jackson, but she had to get Cliff to agree. So, their conversations began.

Tommy promised Cliff and Nicole he would be number for them to get Jackson out if he stayed. He also promised to throw them the next HOH comp to guarantee them a final 4 spot.

Cliff told Jackson that Nicole is starting to have doubts about keeping Holly. Then Jackson ran back and told Holly. So, Holly started getting nervous. Jackson told Holly, “You need to get at least one of their votes so I can break the tie.”

Tommy told Nicole and Cliff that he knew Christie before he entered the house. Nicole told the private cams that is definitely a red flag, and I can see why. Christie is a guaranteed vote for Tommy in a final two situation.

Not only that, she will campaign for him in the jury house to get other votes. Jackson pointed that out to Nicole and Cliff.

Cliff told the private cams those facts definitely made him more nervous about keeping Tommy. Jackson told Cliff he would take it personal is Cliff and Nicole flipped on their final four deal. He also told the private cams he’s gunning for Nicole and Cliff even if Holly stays. I was thinking, “Of course you are. There’s no one else left.”

Anyways, next they showed Jackson listening in on Tommy campaigning to Nicole and Cliff that he would help take Jackson down if he stayed. In light of that, Jackson decided to lie to Nicole and Cliff claiming, “Tommy has been saying he would work with me.”

Nicole got pissed off when Jackson told them Tommy was plotting against them, and she suggested that a house meeting be thrown so Jackson and Tommy could hash this out in front of everybody. Jackson agreed to do it, but he wanted to wait until the next day to do it. Obviously, he did that so he could prepare to sell his lie.

Next, we finally saw the two eviction nominees Tommy and Holly give their final plea speeches. After that, the remaining houseguests casts their votes to evict. No one voted to evict Holly. Nicole and Cliff both voted to evict Tommy. So, by another unanimous vote of 2-0, Tommy was evicted from the Big Brother season 21 house tonight.

Afterwards, Tommy gave his exit interview to host Julie Chen Moonves. At this point, Julie revealed that Tommy and Jackson actually got into a huge fight just before tonight’s LIVE eviction show.

Apparently, Jackson made up a huge lie that Tommy was planning to backdoor Cliff if he stayed. Tommy was gracious about it. He said, “Jackson got me fair and square. That’s the game.”

They also showed a glimpse of Jackson lying on Tommy before tonight’s LIVE eviction show. It got very emotional. Tommy was screaming and yelling, “Jackson is lying right now!” However, I gotta say Jackson is a very good actor. He didn’t flinch for a second. He really sold that lie.

After Tommy’s exit interview, the remaining 4 houseguests competed for the new HOH and a guaranteed spot in the final three.

This HOH turned out to be an endurance comp called, “Crash and Turn.” In it, they have to hang on to a moving rope for dear life while getting bumped and sprayed with stuff. The last person hanging on will win. So, it’s pretty straight forward.

We were totally expecting this HOH comp to last at least maybe two hours or so, but it only lasted for just over an hour. That means we have the winner for you guys.

It is friggin Nicole! OMG! This girl has turned up towards the end! Wow! She could win this thing. She’s already guaranteed herself a spot in the final three! Yay, Nicole.

How do you guys feel about poor Tommy Bracco getting evicted tonight, and Nicole winning the new HOH competition? Are you happy about it? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.

The Big Brother LIVE feeds are still on. You guys can view the Big Brother live feeds FREE for one week over at CBS by Clicking Here. After that, it’s just $5.99 a month.

The next, new Big Brother season 21 episode is scheduled to air this Sunday night, September 15, 2019 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS.

We expect it to feature the HOH competition, the nomination ceremony, various conversation footage and more. So, be sure to tune in for that one if you want to see how all of that stuff ends up playing out.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest Big Brother report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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