Big Brother September 25, 2019 Jackson Michie Won Season 21 (Recap)

Big Brother September 25, 2019 Jackson Michie Won Season 21 (Recap)

Hey, fellow “Big Brother” fans. Tonight, September 25, 2019, the finale episode of this current season 21 did indeed air, and a winner was crowned. We can’t say that the winner was a surprise, but we can say that this finale contained some surprises.

It kicked off with the jury round table footage. They brought back season 2 winner and legend Dr. Will Kirby to host it. Cliff showed up to join them. Then they debated about who of the final three played the best game began.

Cliff made it a point that Jackson needs to be honest about the game he played and not try to claim he was honorable and loyal. Tommy said he didn’t want Jackson to win the game.

Kathryn said she saw all facets of Jackson’s game and wasn’t opposed to him winning. Analyse aka Sis still seemed quite pissed at Jackson. She said he’s not loyal at all.

Tommy said he was impressed with Nicole’s humility. In fact, a lot of them liked Nicole. Analyse wasn’t impressed with Nicole that much. She said, “I need her to explain to me what she’s done.” Analyse didn’t think Holly did anything spectacular in the game either. Jack thought Holly did ok.

After all the jury round table debating, they showed the 2nd round of the final three-part HOH competition. Nicole went first. It was a memory/physical comp where they had to match up days with certain events by rock climbing a wall.

After it was all played and done, it was revealed that Holly completed it in 10:38, and Nicole completed it in 14:38. So, Holly edged out Nicole for the win to face Jackson in the 3rd round of the final HOH competition.

Before they showed the LIVE, 3rd round, they showed footage of Nicole attempting to campaign to Holly. Nicole argued that Holly would have a much better chance to win against her than against Jackson if she won the final HOH comp.

Nicole’s pitch appeared to really make Holly think too because she realized it would be a better option to take Nicole to the final two over Jackson.

After that, they finally showed the LIVE, 3rd round of the final HOH competition between Holly and Jackson. It was a true or false quiz about certain events that took place this season.

Jackson ended up winning by a score of 8-7 to claim the final HOH comp of the season and a guaranteed spot in the final 2! He was solid. He got every question right while Holly missed one.

Afterwards, Holly and Nicole gave their final plea speeches to Jackson.Then Jackson finally voted to evict Nicole. So, it was confirmed that Holly and Jackson were the final 2 at this point.

Nicole gave her exit interview to host Julie Chen Moonves. Nicole said she learned so much about herself this summer, and she seemed ok saying, “It’s just a game.”

After that, Julie introduced the nine jury panel. Nicole joined them. Then they asked the final two Jackson and Holly their questions. Jackson seemed to give pretty solid answers. He did admit to lying when he needed to ,and that everything he did was strategic game play to get he and Holly to the final two.

He also pointed out his massive amounts of competition wins in his final speech. It was a very strong showing. No doubt.

Meanwhile, Holly’s answers seemed a little more shaky than Jackson’s. However, she did manage to explain that she had a good social game and kept Jackson from making some mistakes early on in the game.

I mean it was respectable. I just don’t think it was better than Jackson. Jackson’s answers were extremely solid. This guy didn’t flinch once, and he spoke with an extreme amount of conviction.

Next, the first five evicted houseguests David, Ovi,Bella, Kemi and Sam were introduced. I must say they got very real in this segment so to speak.

Kemi called out Jack for all the crap he did to her during the early part of this season. Jack,Christie and Jackson all apologized to Kemi, but she didn’t really seem to buy it. She said, “I feel like they need to know what they’re apologizing for.”

Ovi talked about the time the Gr8ful alliance shut Nicole out of a room when they were talking about her. Ovi reiterated that it just wasn’t cool at all.

David said he was convinced that Jackson choosing to ban him as camp director was game related and not racial. However, he did see some other moments between Jack and Jackson that seemed very questionable. David said, “I just hope that you two become better people after this.”

And to cap off all the call outs, Nick got called out for cheating on Bella with Kathryn in the jury house. Bella told Nick, “You made me look stupid, and no one deserves that.” I have to say this segment was probably the best segment of the night.

After all of that drama, Julie revealed the votes for who won this friggin season. Nicole, Jessica and Kathryn voted for Holly to win. Cliff, Tommy, Christie, Nick, Analyse and Jack all voted for Jackson aka Mickie to win. So, by a landslide vote of 6-3,Jackson won Big Brother season 21 tonight!

Right after that, Julie revealed who won America’s Favorite Player for the $25,000. It was revealed that Cliff, Tommy and Nicole got the most votes, but it was Nicole who won out. So, sweet Nicole is $25,000 richer as result of that minus the taxes of course. You gotta pay Uncle Sam.

Alright guys. So, how do you feel about Jackson aka Mickie winning this season of Big Brother? Are you happy about it? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.

And that is a wrap for this season. Season 22 has been confirmed by CBS. So, we will see you guys next summer.

That’s all we’ve got for this latest Big Brother report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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3 Responses

  1. Chris says:

    It feel like CBS tried to exploit social issues that are buzz worthy in public now. I didn’t watch every minute of the show so maybe I’m not qualified but it felt like CBS put Jackson on blast on live national TV labeling him a racist, sexist bully. If that were truly the case wouldn’t his housemates all voted for Holly?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Just finished watching Big Brother and the contestant that should have won, did! But!! In true MSM Liberal fashion, CBS tried to create controversy where none existed. Contestants were accused of bullying, sexism and racism! ? This show has been, from the start, a “social experiment”! Throwing 16 strangers in a house and watching how relationships form and blossom or crash. The person with the best game, be it social or physical or both wins! The way CBS handled the last portion of the show really pissed me off! Don’t stir up shit where none existed!!

  3. d p k says:

    BIG BROTHER and CBS made a great season into a platform for cry babies and wimps. Come the show is about winning a half a million dollars by lying, back stabbing and bullying. If you don’t have a thick skin don’t go on the show.

    Sad, sad, sad. CONGRATS Michie. You did a great job and did nothing wrong.

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