New ‘The Bachelor’ Spoilers For January 27, 2020 Episode 4 Revealed

New ‘The Bachelor’ Spoilers For January 27, 2020 Episode 4 Revealed

Hey, Bachelor Nation fans. We are coming at you with another set of spoiler scoops for the next, new episode 4, which is due to air this Monday night,January 27, 2020. We’ve got a ton of source material from both ABC’s official press release and our trusty source Reality Steve. You guys will definitely be well informed after reading this article.

So, let’s quit wasting time and get into this. First off, ABC revealed that the current Bachelor headliner Peter Weber will take Victoria Fuller aka Victoria F out on a 1 on 1 date during this 4th episode.

Also, these romantic events will take place in Cleveland, Ohio. That means they’re already starting to travel.

ABC let us know that Peter and Victoria will get entertained by country music star Chase Rice on their 1 on 1 date. They will also ride a rollercoaster of emotions. Peter will fly Victoria out on their date. At one point,Victoria is going to make a very startling confession!

ABC’s official description for this Peter and Victoria 1 on 1 date reads like this, “Peter and Victoria F. Ride a Rollercoaster of Emotions as Country Music Star Chase Rice Entertains the Couple.

Peter flies Victoria F. to their special date destination and a surprise performance by country music star Chase Rice, which leads the bachelorette to make a shocking confession.”

Later in ABC’s press release, they revealed more details about the Peter and Victoria F 1 on 1 date. Peter will fly Victoria F to the Cedar Point Amusement Park, and they will have the whole park all to themselves.

ABC went on to clue us in on the shocking confession that Victoria makes. She ends up letting Peter know she used to date the country singer that’s singing for them Chase Rice! What? Oh, hell no!

ABC’s description for that crazy set of events reads like this, “Victoria F.’s fear of heights is tested when Peter flies her to Cedar Point Amusement Park, where they have the entire park to themselves.

The special made-for-romance day is capped with a VIP concert by country music star Chase Rice serenading the couple, but the entire date goes off the rails when Victoria F. makes a stunning revelation: She used to date Chase Rice.”

This is where Reality Steve’s report comes into play because he reveals that Victoria F still gets a rose even after that shocking confession. Reality Steve went on to say that Victoria F used to date and hook up with Chase just prior to coming on the show. So, that’s interesting.

After all of that Victoria F drama, ABC revealed that a new group date will take place in episode 4. Reality Steve revealed that Peter will take Hannah Ann, Lexi, Mykenna, Deandra, Natasha, Victoria P., Tammy, Kelley, Sydney, Shiann, Kiarra, Savannah, and Madison on this group date.

According to ABC, these girls will compete in an event they’re calling “The Bachelor Bowl.” Former Cleveland Browns Pro Bowl players Josh Cribbs and Hanford Dixon will be on the scene to coach the ladies. Reality Steve says it’s a flag football game.

ABC’s description for this group date reads like this, “Peter shares his love of football when he and 13 bachelorettes visit FirstEnergy Stadium. Cleveland Browns’ football legends Josh Cribbs and Hanford Dixon put a group of women through a rigorous workout as they prepare to face off in The Bachelor Bowl.”

ABC cryptically revealed that some major drama will take place at the after party for this group date. One of Peter’s previously rejected women will indeed return to crash the party. The other women will be highly upset about it and demand that Peter fix the situation.

In other words, they want Peter to get rid of her. Uh oh, but not so fast. ABC is making it seem like Peter will consider keeping the formerly rejected lady around since he already had doubts about that decision earlier.

ABC’s description for that crazy scenario reads like this, “When one provocative woman crashes the after-party, she sets off fireworks and the other women demand that Peter fix the situation. Now, he needs to rethink his previous decisions. Will the Bachelor follow his heart and explore a relationship with the targeted bachelorette or risk all the other ladies walking out on him?”

Now, most of you who watched episode 3 will know that this lady is Alayah. She got ousted by Peter due to multiple claims from the other ladies that she was being fake. Now, she’s going to return to clear things up.

This is where Reality Steve comes through with some very juicy intel once again. Apparently, Alayah will tell Peter,”You sent me home based on false information that you were hearing from others. I’m here for you.”

And, it turns out that’s going to be enough for Peter to just totally change his mind and keep Alayah. If that weren’t enough, he’s also going to give Alayah the group date rose! That’s right, guys. Alayah comes back and stakes claim in a major way. Get ready for it.

Reality Steve revealed some other drama takes place with this situation. Alayah ends up mentioning to the other women that Victoria F dated Chase Rice just prior to coming on the show. The other women didn’t know. They run back and confront Victoria F about it.

That causes Victoria F to go ballistic on Alayah for telling everyone! So, get ready to see that madness as well. Reality Steve mentioned that Victoria really gives Alayah rough time in the house after that, especially since many of the women didn’t think Alayah should have been able to come back after getting eliminated.

Finally, the last event of this crazy, 4th episode will feature Peter taking insane Kelsey Weier out on a 1 on 1 date. ABC says they will explore Cleveland together. So, they didn’t deliver many details about that date.

ABC’s description for the Peter and Kesley outing reads like this, “Kelsey is the lucky lady who enjoys a day exploring Cleveland with Peter.”

Also, ABC mentioned one other thing about the Alayah situation. They say she’s going to cause a revolt that’s so intense that it will be the first of its kind on The Bachelor.

Their description of it reads like this, “One controversial woman is the target of rage by the others and prompts a revolt the likes of which Bachelor Nation has never seen.” That’s pretty intense.

Reality Steve mentioned a few more details about the Peter and Kelsey 1 on 1 date. Peter takes her to a Cleveland Area Soap Box Derby race in downtown Cleveland. Apparently, things go really well between the two of them because Peter does indeed give Kelsey a rose after it’s all said and done. So, crazy Kelsey will stick around for yet another week.

According to Reality Steve, we’ll get another big surprise at the cocktail part in episode 4. After all that effort Alayah put in to get back on the show, she will decide to leave just before the rose ceremony.

Apparently, Alayah felt like a total outcast in the house at this point, and she felt no one was on her side. That coupled with the drama she caused with Victoria F was the breaking point.

Alayah just wanted out at that point. So, that sounds about right from my observation. Those girls really did gang up on her even before she left the first time. So, I can only imagine what they did when she came back.

Lastly, the moment we’ve all been waiting for. Peter eliminates poor Kiarra Norman, Savannah Mullins, and Deandra Kanu at the rose ceremony to join Alayah Benavidez who decided to leave the show after returning.

So, it certainly sounds like this episode will feature a lot of crazy events. I’m sure the producers are loving all the material they had to work with in this episode.

Again, ABC’s press release confirmed that episode 4 is indeed scheduled to air this Monday night,January 27,2020 at approximately 7 pm central standard time.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “The Bachelor” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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