Big Brother October 28, 2020 Cody Calafiore Won The Season In The Finale (Recap)

Hey, fellow “Big Brother” fans. Tonight, October 28, 2020, the Big Brother season 22, All-Stars season did finally come to an end with tonight’s 2-hour, LIVE finale episode, and a winner was indeed crowned.
Tonight’s episode kicked off with footage of Enzo and Cody’s round 2 HOH competition. It was a physical/quiz comp. It was timed. It made Enzo very frustrated because he wasted a ton of time. He read one of the questions wrong, which caused him to waste even more time.
When it was all said and done, Cody, of course, won it with a time of 4:49 to Enzo’s 37:38. It was a total blow-out.
Enzo really lost his cool after the comp. He was very mad at himself for losing. He told Cody & Nicole, “You guys can take each other. You already know who you’re taking. I’m 42. I tried to hang with you guys. I couldn’t do it. You did great.”
Then Enzo was seen talking to himself saying, “It’s my fault! I always come to the end with these 20 year olds! I wanna get the f@#ck out of here! I’ve embarrassed myself in the final 3 again!
Cody and Nicole told each other they’re not contemplating what they’re going to do if they beat each other in the final HOH.
Nicole told Cody,”I don’t think anyone will vote for me to win a second time. I could never cut you.”
When Enzo finally calmed down, he told the private cams aka The Diary Room, “Maybe I can work some magic and convince Nicole to take me if she wins.”
So, Enzo did go to work on Nicole and she seemed receptive. Nicole said she thinks Cody could beat her 9-0 in a final 2 situation. She told the private cams, “Sitting next to Enzo, my odds would be better, but if I lost to Enzo, I would feel like crap because I betrayed Cody.”
Next, they showed footage from the jury members. Christmas joined them after getting evicted. Then they went back and forth, deliberating about who played the best game between Nicole, Cody and Enzo.
Kevin said, “Cody didn’t manage me well in terms of jury management, but if he keeps winning, I can’t hate on that.” Tyler mentioned that Enzo didn’t nominate Cody when he had the chance. So,now, Enzo can’t even take that argument of never being nominated away from Cody.
A lot of them agreed that Cody needs to be cut by either Nicole or Enzo. If Cody ends up in the final 2, he wins.
Next, Cody and Nicole competed in the final round 3 of the 3-round HOH comp to decide who is the final HOH.
The 3rd round HOH comp was titled, “Vinal Exam.” It was a quiz that tested Cody and Nicole on how much they remember about the members of the jury. They had to decide which statement is true or false about a certain houseguest.
Cody ended up getting every single question right to beat Nicole 8-7. Nicole only missed one question, but she had to be perfect just to even tie Cody. He was on fire!
Next, Nicole and Enzo gave their final plea speeches to Cody. Nicole told Cody, “I would’ve never cut you.” Enzo said, “Everything I did was for you. I kept Nicole around for you! Please, take me to the final 2, bro!”
After that, Cody made the shocking decision to cut his ride or die Nicole! That’s right, guys. Nicole was finally ousted by Cody in the final 3. Enzo told Cody, “You’re the best. I’m indebted to you forever.”
Nicole gave her exit interview with host Julie Chen. During it, Nicole was in tears and said, “I did not see that coming. I thought our bond was so close. I did not see it coming. He played such a terrific game. So,I thought he had it in the bag either way.
I’m not mad. I wouldn’t have done it to him. He’s got guts. I was ready to make it to the final 2. I had my speech ready. It would’ve been good.”
After that, Nicole joined the jury. Julie told them Cody won the final HOH and evicted Nicole. From there, the jury asked Cody and Enzo questions about their games this season.
Cody pitched to them, “I played a very well rounded game. I won lots of competitions. I pushed for Ian to go and made moves to stay in the middle of a big alliance.
I knew which targets needed to go and where to position myself. I had a big influence on getting Da’Vonne out. I won HOH and took out Tyler.”
He told Nicole why he cut her saying, “You won before, and you had so much that was overlooked. If you made it to the final 2 and explained it all, you could have won. That would’ve bothered me so much to let that happen again.”
Enzo pitched to the jury, ” I used Cody as a weapon. I jumped on his back. I won some comps and played a good social game. I got everybody to like me. Nobody ever tried to target me. I won comps and had a good social game. It was a deadly dose.
I had a little bit of an alliance with everyone in this game. Me losing some comps was actually me winning because I got other people to do the work for me. If you wanna vote for a comp beast, pic Cody, but I went 85 days without being nominated. I was never a target. Plus, I won a few comps too. I’m proud of that.
Cody pointed out that Enzo did go on the block in the final three. He said, “I never went on the block. I had a combination of strategy and social game. I played a full, well-rounded game. It was great to get to play and grow with all of you guys.”
After all of that, the jury finally casts their votes for the winner of this season. Then the first five houseguests to get evicted this season: Keisha, Nicole A, Janelle, Kaysar and Bailey joined from home via a Zoom feed.
They all talked about different moments of this season. Janelle mentioned that she wrote down on a piece of paper when the season first started that she would’ve got Cody and Enzo on the block as soon as she could. So, that was pretty interesting.
Finally, after that segment, Julie read off the votes: Ian , Da’Vonne, Kevin, David , Dani, Christmas, Nicole, David and Memphis all voted for Cody to win. No one voted for Enzo. So, by a unanimous vote of 9-0, Cody Calafiore won Big Brother season 22, All-Stars tonight!
Julie Chen also revealed that Tyler and Da’vonne were the top vote-getters for America’s Favorite Player, but it was Da’Vonne who won it to take home the $25,000 dollars!
And that was it, guys. How do you feel about Cody Calafiore winning this season? Are you happy about it? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.
Season 23 is confirmed for next summer 2021. So, we’ll be back for that.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Big Brother” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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I was happy Cody won – He was very smart, competitive, nice and great a personality. He deserved the big prize. Congratulations Cody!!