New Legacies Spoilers For Season 3, January 28, 2021 Episode 2 Revealed

Hey, “Legacies” fans. Welcome to the brand new season 3! It finally arrived after getting delayed by the terrible, terrible pandemic. We hope you guys enjoyed the premiere episode 1. Now that it’s all wrapped up, we are on here to let you know what’s coming up in the next, new episode 2 of Legacies’ current season 3.
We were able to gather up a couple of new teaser descriptions for episode 3 via The CW’s official episode 3 press release. So, we’re going to get into that right now. Let’s do it.
First thing’s first. Episode 3 is officially titled, “Goodbyes Sure Do Suck.” It sounds like episode 3 will feature some very intense, dramatic, action-filled and emotional scenes as devastating news gets revealed! Alaric turns to Sheriff Mac for help and more.
We’ll go ahead and start off this spoiler session with the devastating news situation. It turns out that some very horrible news will indeed be revealed in this episode, and it will involve someone that’s very close to the kids at the school.
When they learn about this horrific news, they are going to do everything they can to deal with this particular situation whatever it is.
The CW’s official description for this devastating storyline reads like this, “The Super Squad pulls out all the stops when they learn some devastating news involving one of their own.”
The second and last teaser description lets us know that Alaric will be a very busy man in this episode. Apparently, he’ll be working to try and get some time-sensitive affairs in order, but he will need some help pulling it off. So, he will end up asking Sheriff Mac to help him get the job done.
CW’s description for this latest Aleric and Sheriff Mac plotline reads like this, “Alaric (Matthew Davis) turns to Sheriff Mac (Bianca Kajlich) for help getting some timely affairs in order.”
Episode 2 will also feature: Danielle Rose Russell as character Hope Mikaelson, Aria Shahghasemi as character Landon Kirby, Jenny Boyd as character Lizzie Saltzman, Quincy Fouse as character Milton “MG” Greasley, Peyton Alex Smith as character Rafael Waithe, Chris Lee as character Kaleb Hawkins and Ben Levin as character Jed.
Episode 2 was directed by Eric Dean Seaton, and it was written by Benjamin Raab & Deric A. Hughes.
CW’s press release confirmed that the next, new episode 2 of Legacies’ current season 3 is indeed scheduled to air next Thursday night, January 28, 2021 at approximately 8 pm central standard time.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Legacies” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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