Legacies Spoilers For Season 2, January 16, 2020 Episode 9 Revealed

Legacies Spoilers For Season 2, January 16, 2020 Episode 9 Revealed

Hey, fellow “Legacies” fans. We are back at you today with another brand new spoiler session. In this article, we’re going to talk about what the hell is going to take place when season 2 starts back up with episode 9 on January 16,2020.

That’s right, guys. We are on the ball over here. We’ve got a brand new press release from The CW for Legacies season 2, episode 9. It’s got plenty of spoiler scoops, which we are going to totally run by you guys right now.

To get things started, we’ve got an official title for episode 9. It’s called,”I Couldn’t Have Done This Without You.”

It sounds like episode 9 will feature some very intense, dramatic, action-filled and interesting scenes as the Necromancer returns to cause major trouble! Hope offers to give Josie a helping hand with a very important matter. Alaric gets Landon on the case to see just how dangerous Sebastian may or may not be and more.

We’ll go ahead and start off this spoiler session with the Necromancer situation. The Necromancer will definitely be back on the scene and totally wanting to wreak more havoc on Malivore, but there will be just one problem with that. The Necromancer is now human and powerless!

The CW’s official description tells us, “Back and ready to wreak havoc, The Necromancer’s plan for revenge on Malivore takes a turn when he realizes he is now a human and powerless.”

What will the Necromancer do now? That’s a very important question for this particular plotline. We’ll definitely have to wait and see because The CW conveniently left that important information out of their description. It does sound like this storyline will deliver some very interesting scenes though.

The second spoiler scoop reveals that Hope will most certainly be trying to make things right with Josie after their whole Landon drama. In light of this, Hope will offer up her witchly expertise in helping Josie get more intel about the mora miserium.

The CW’s description for this Josie and Hope storyline reads like this, “To mend fences with Josie (Kaylee Bryant), Hope (Danielle Rose Russell) offers to help her learn more about the mora miserium.”

How will their search for more information turn out? Will they get the answers they seek? Will Josie even accept Hope’s help? Those are very big questions that we’ll be looking to see get answered as this ongoing plotline continues to play out.

It does sound like we could get some interesting scenes from these two. So, we certainly look forward to seeing Josie and Hope possibly working together in the near future.

The 3rd and last teaser description lets us know that Alaric will most certainly want to find out if this new Sebastian vampire character is any sort of threat to the magic school. So, Alaric will get Landon to assist him with his investigation into this matter.

The CW’s description tells us, “Alaric (Matthew Davis) enlists Landon’s (Aria Shahghasemi) help to find out if Sebastian (guest star Thomas Doherty) is a threat to the school.”

How will this new Alaric and Landon working relationship pan out? Will they get the dirt on Sebastian? Those are some important questions for this particular plotline. Only time will tell at this point.

It sounds like this storyline could also deliver some intriguing and possible twists to the mix when season 2 returns later this month. So, get ready and prepped for all of that.

Episode 9 will also feature Jenny Boyd as character Lizzie Saltzman and Quincy Fouse as character Milton “MG” Greasley.

Episode 9 was directed by Carl Seaton, and it was written by Thomas Brandon & Hannah Rosner. Again, The CW’s press release confirmed that episode 9 is indeed scheduled to air on Thursday night, January 16, 2020 at approximately 8 pm central standard time.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Legacies” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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