New Snowfall Spoilers For Season 4, March 10, 2021 Episode 4 Released

Hey, “Snowfall” fans. We hope you guys totally enjoyed episode 3 tonight. Now that it’s all wrapped up and in the history books, we are back on here to let you guys know a few things that will be playing out when the next, new episode 4 of Snowfall’s current season 4 rolls around next Wednesday night,March 10, 2021.
We were able to gather up a couple of new teaser descriptions for the new episode 4 via FX’s official episode 4 press release. So, that will certainly be our source for this spoiler session. Let’s get into it.
To start, we do have an official title for episode 4. It’s called, “Expansion.” It sounds like episode 4 will feature some very intense, dramatic and interesting scenes as Franklin puts Leon in the crosshairs. Teddy faces a big fallout situation! Irene comes across a promising new lead. Franklin attempts to satisfy Cissy and more.
We’ll go ahead and start off this spoiler session with the Franklin and Leon situation. It turns out that Franklin will certainly have some intense moments in this episode as far as Leon is concerned. Apparently, Leon will make a serious mistake that causes Leon to get caught up in the crosshairs. This situation will result in a surprising reconnection taking place.
FX’s official description for this Franklin and Leon storyline reads like this, “Franklin’s missteps put Leon in the crosshairs,resulting in an unexpected reconnection.”
The second spoiler scoop reveals that Teddy and Tijuana will not be getting along too well in this episode as some fallout between these two will occur at some point.
FX’s description for this Teddy and Tijuana scenario tells us, “Teddy faces fallout from Tijuana.” Some other things we’re officially hearing about Teddy is that he will bail out Gustavo in episode 5. So, look for that to play out in two weeks.
The 3rd spoiler teaser reveals that Irene will find some possible success in this episode as she will come across a brand new lead that does show some promise.
FX’s description for this latest Irene storyline reads like this,”Irene’s investigation has a promising new lead.” You guys can also expect to see Irene’s investigation to start moving closer to the Saint Family in episode 5.
The 4th and last teaser description lets us know that Franklin will feel the need to make sure that Cissy is happy in this episode. So, he will go about trying to appease her at some point.
FX’s description for this Franklin and Cissy storyline tells us,”Franklin tries to appease Cissy.”
Will Cissy accept Franklin’s efforts to appease her in this moment? That’s a big question for this particular storyline. We’ll definitely have to wait and see. It sounds like we could get some pretty interesting scenes out of this storyline though. So, get ready for it when next Wednesday night finally gets here.
FX’s press release confirmed that the next, new episode 4 of Snowfall’s current season 4 is indeed scheduled to hit the airwaves next Wednesday night, March 10, 2021 at approximately 9 pm central standard time.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Snowfall” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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