Big Brother September 2, 2021 Evicted Sarah Steagall. New HOH Revealed (Recap)

Big Brother September 2, 2021 Evicted Sarah Steagall. New HOH Revealed (Recap)

Hey, “Big Brother” fans. Tonight, September 2, 2021, another LIVE eviction episode for Big Brother season 23 did indeed air, and another unlucky houseguest was sent packing. We also found out who is the new HOH this week.

Tonight’s LIVE eviction episode kicked off with footage of what happened in the house after the last POV ceremony when Hannah took Xavier off the chopping block, leaving Sarah and Kyland as the final 2, eviction nominees for this week.

Hannah told the Diary Room aka the private cams, “I used the veto on Xavier because I didn’t want Kyland coming off the block and campaigning for Sarah to stay.” Tiffany told the private cams, “I’m about to get Sarah out of this house.” Claire told the private cams of Sarah and Kyland, “I’m finally splitting this tight duo up.”

At one point, Xavier, Alyssa and Claire were talking, and Alyssa told Claire, “You’re the only white person left after Sarah leaves.” That got Claire jokingly thinking there could be a bigger alliance she doesn’t know about. Xavier had to play it off as to not bring any attention to the Cookout alliance. Later, Xavier was seen talking to the cams about how Alyssa almost exposed the Cookout and may need to go next.

They also showed a moment where Derek F jumped off the hammock to run from a beetle, causing Hannah to fall on her head. She had to get some ice for it. Also, Claire started a fire while trying to cook some meat. Azah had to use the fire extinguisher to put it out. So, those were some crazy moments this week.

Tiffany was seen saying to the Cookout, “I can’t wait until it’s just the six of us so we don’t have to whisper anymore.”

Since it was pretty much locked in stone that Sarah is going home this week, production resorted to showing members of the Cookout going over hypothetical scenarios for the coming weeks.

There was a segment where they showed some Jury house footage. Derek X joined Britini. They hugged. Then, Derek X showed Britini a video of the week he went out on. Derek pointed out that Kyland’s goodbye message revealed that he’s been working with a group of people since week one, and Derek X guessed that Kyland, Azah, Derek f and Xavier have been working together. So, Derek X guessed 4 out of the 6 Cookout alliance members.

Next, the two eviction nominees Sarah and Kyland gave their plea speeches. Then, the rest of the houseguests casts their votes to evict. They had the secret HOH Claire cast an anonymous tie-breaker vote in case of a tie, and it was to evict Sarah.

Derek F, Alyssa, Azah, Hannah and Xavier all voted to evict Sarah. Tiffany voted to evict Kyland. So, with another landslide vote of 5-1, Sarah was indeed evicted from the Big Brother season 23 house tonight. She gave everyone a hug on the way out.

Sarah gave her exit interview with host Julie Chen-Moonves. Julie asked Sarah, “Why do you think the houseguests voted to evict you tonight?” Sarah said, “I think people saw me as more of a threat. They saw me as possibly working with more people than Kyland. So, I think that was more of a threat to them.”

Sarah said, “I stand by my decision to get rid of Derek X last week.” They showed Sarah some goodbye messages from the houseguests. Claire told Sarah she was the secret HOH ,and it was strictly strategic to get her out. Kyland told Sarah that he’s part of a secret alliance that wouldn’t allow him to keep her. Sarah said, she has total respect for the secret alliance. She also said, she thinks she’ll be friends with Kyland for life.

Next, the remaining houseguests competed in the new HOH (Head Of Household) competition. It was titled, “The Flying BB-inos.” Julie pointed out that Claire had to secretly throw this competition since she was the secret HOH last week. Julie also said the first three houseguests to fall were have-nots for this week.

This competition was an endurance comp where they had to stand on a small disk and hold on tight to a rope while it spun them around. The last person holding on, won.

The HOH comp lasted past the time restraints of the LIVE show, but we did see Derek F already fall off, followed by Alyssa before the show ended. Then on the LIVE feeds, we saw the completion of the comp. It came down to Kyland and Tiffany, and Tiffany ended up pulling off the win. So, Tiffany is the new HOH for this week.

Tiffany will be responsible for nominating two people for eviction tomorrow. We already know that either Alyssa or Claire will be the target this week. It’ll be somewhat interesting to see how the Cookout will work the logistics of this scenario this week. We’ll be back on ,tomorrow, to tell you who Tiffany nominated. So, look out for that report.

How do you guys feel about Sarah getting evicted tonight, and Tiffany winning the new HOH comp? Let us know in the comments section.

The next, new Big Brother season 23 episode is scheduled to air this Sunday night, September 5, 2021 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Big Brother” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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