Big Brother 22 Spoilers: August 31, 2020 POV Ceremony Results Revealed

Big Brother 22 Spoilers: August 31, 2020 POV Ceremony Results Revealed

Hey, fellow “Big Brother” fans. We are back at you on this Monday evening of August 31, 2020 to bring to you another set of very important developments that took place in the Big Brother season 22, All-Stars house.

Earlier today, the POV (Power Of Veto) ceremony did indeed take place, and a switch-up of the eviction nominees did occur.

Before we tell you what all happened, we’re to do a real quick recap of the events of this week. This past Thursday, August 27, 2020, Enzo won the new HOH (Head of Household) competition to become the latest ruler of the house.

Then on Friday, August 28, 2020, Enzo nominated Kaysar and Kevin for eviction with Kaysar being the main target. On Saturday, August 29,2020, the POV competition was played, and Kevin somehow, some way pulled out the victory. And that all brings us to today’s POV ceremony.

There were no surprises with this POV ceremony. Kevin did indeed use the veto to pull himself off the block. Then Enzo had to put up a replacement nominee. Since Christmas volunteered ,earlier, to go up as a pawn, Enzo did indeed nominate Christmas to replace Kevin on the eviction chopping block.

That means Christmas and Kaysar are the final nominees for eviction this week, and one of them will be leaving the house this Thursday night, September 3, 2020. We don’t think this was a smart move by Christmas even though Kaysar is the target.

If there’s any way to not be on the block, you should always take that option. And under no circumstances should you ever, ever volunteer to be a pawn. Hopefully, for Christmas, this doesn’t backfire on her.

According to Big Brother Network, Christmas did try to get Enzo to use David as a pawn instead, but Enzo didn’t want to do that out of fear that David might go over Kaysar.

At around 1:40 pm pacific time today, August 31,2020, Christmas told Nicole,”I’m fine, and I’m going to do my campaigns. Keep me in the loop if someone mentions flipping the vote.”

At around 2:42 pm, Cody told Enzo, “I wonder who’s game Kaysar is going to blow up on his way out.” Enzo said, “I think it will be Dani.” Cody said, “I think it’ll be me and Tyler.”

At around 2:57 pm, Dani told Christmas, “You have my vote. You don’t have to campaign to me.” Christmas said, “Cody was going to tell Kaysar straight up that he is voting to keep me.” Dani said, “I’m going to do the same to avoid being cornered.”

Judging from those LIVE feed conversations, it appears that it is indeed a lock that Kaysar is getting voted out this Thursday night, but it’s Big Brother and anything can still happen.

How do you guys feel about Christmas being thrown up as the replacement nominee for Kevin at the POV ceremony today? Are you happy about it? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.

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Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest Big Brother TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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