New Euphoria Season 2 Spoilers For February 13, 2022 Episode 6 Revealed

New Euphoria Season 2 Spoilers For February 13, 2022 Episode 6 Revealed

Hey, “Euphoria” fans. We hope you guys totally enjoyed what episode 5 served up tonight. Now that episode 5 is done and over with, we are back to give you guys some idea of what to expect from the next, new episode 6 of Euphoria’s current season 2, which is due to make its arrival next Sunday night, February 13, 2022.

Once again, we’ve got no official press release from HBO for this new episode 6, but they did deliver an official preview clip for episode 6. So, we’re going to draw our spoiler scoops from it. Let’s get to it.

First off, we’re still awaiting an official title for episode 6 to be revealed by HBO.So, we don’t have that this week. It looks like episode 6 will definitely feature another round of extreme drama, intensity, emotion, scandal and intrigue.

The new episode 6 preview clip starts off with a new Rue scene. She looks absolutely distraught as hell while laying on the floor. She says, “I’m sure most people would say the world would be a better place without me. I don’t disagree. I wish I could say I didn’t mean any of it. I thought it. I felt it. I said it.” There’s also a very brief Jules scene that interjects with her saying, “Did you become like, a good person?”

Next, we got an Ethan and Kat scene. Ethen tells Kat, “You made it sound like an emergency.” From there, the clip cuts to a new Cassie scene, and she is extremely upset to say the very least. She starts shouting, “They weren’t boyfriend and girlfriend!” Then, Suze reacts to that by saying to Lexi, “Oh, she needs an exorcism.”

After all of that, Nate is seen saying to Cassie, “Don’t worry. I’m not here to apologize.” After that, Cassie starts screaming and crying while Nate is seen looking back in reaction to her screams.

In the last round of scenes, we see Maddy in action as she says, “I think I actually want to murder her.” Then, she’s asked about Nate, and she says, “I have a few ideas.” You guys can view the new episode 6 preview clip for yourselves over on Youtube by Clicking Here.

HBO confirmed that the next,new episode 6 of Euphoria’s current season 2 is indeed scheduled to make its debut next Sunday night, February 13, 2022 at approximately 8 pm central standard time.

Alright, guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest,”Euphoria” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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