New FBI Season 5 March 7, 2023 Episode 16 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

New FBI Season 5 March 7, 2023 Episode 16 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

Hey, “FBI” fans. Unfortunately, it’s time , once again, for us to deliver some bad news to you guys. For some reason unbeknownst to us, the CBS people have decided not to air a new episode of FBI tonight, March 7, 2023. That’s right, guys. That means the next, new episode 16 of FBI’s current season 5 will be held back a little while longer than expected.

The good news is that episode 16 is not going to get held back for an extremely long time. According to CBS’ official episode 16 press release, CBS intends to air the new episode 16 as early as next Tuesday night, March 14, 2023 in its usual, 7 pm central standard time slot. So, definitely be on the lookout for the new episode 16 next week.

For your convenience, we did go ahead and find out what CBS is airing in FBI’s vacant time slot tonight. According to the TV guide listings, CBS has a rerun episode of FBI all lined up and ready to go tonight. They’re re-airing the 5th episode of this season 5 titled, “Flopped Cop.”

CBS’ official description for this repeat episode 5 of FBI season 5 reads like this, “When a wealthy accountant is gunned down for secretly testifying against a notorious drug lord, the team’s investigation leads Tiffany to ask for help from a friend who was formerly with the NYPD and is related to the dangerous crime boss.”

If any of you guys find that particular repeat episode of FBI to be appealing at all, you might still want to tune into CBS tonight as you normally would. If you absolutely refuse to watch an FBI rerun, you will certainly want to avoid CBS tonight at that time and check back in, next week.

Spoiler Warning: We did get a hold of an official teaser description for the next, new episode 16 of FBI’s current season 5 from CBS’ official episode 16 press release synopsis. It let us know that this new episode 16 is officially titled,”Family First.”

CBS’ official description for episode 16 reads like this,”The shooting of a federal corrections officer leads the team to an ex-Marine who has gone rogue ever since he returned from Afghanistan. Tiffany’s sister looks to her for guidance when their younger brother begins to lash out on the CBS Original series FBI.”

Again, CBS confirmed that the next, new episode 16 of FBI’s current season 5 is scheduled to finally show up on the airwaves next Tuesday night, March 14, 2023 at approximately 7 pm central standard time.

Alright, guys. That is going to be a wrap for this latest, “FBI” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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