The Bachelor March 27, 2023 Zach Revealed His Final Lady In Finale Episode (Recap)

The Bachelor March 27, 2023 Zach Revealed His Final Lady In Finale Episode (Recap)

Hey, Bachelor Nation fans. Tonight, March 27, 2023, the 3-hour finale episode of The Bachelor 2023 edition with headliner Zach Shallcross did indeed air, and we finally found out who Zach picked to be his final woman for all of eternity.

Tonight’s finale episode kicked off with host Jesse Palmer interviewing the most recent eliminated lady Ariel LIVE in studio. They took a look at the footage of her exit during the overnight dates episode. She talked about her connection with Zach and said, “There’s no one else I could’ve done this with. All the emotions of me getting eliminated hit me after I left.”

Jesse asked Ariel about how she felt about being left in the dark about Zach sleeping with Gabi during the overnight dates after saying he wouldn’t sleep with anyone, and the drama that ensued when he told Kaity what he had done. She said she was very disappointed to have to find out when everyone else did.

Then, Zach came out to talk with Ariel. Ariel told Zach, “I have mostly positive thoughts about you, but I was disappointed to be left in the dark about what happened during the overnight dates, and I would like to know why you didn’t tell me.”

Zach said, “I definitely have a lot of regret about what happened that week. You’re right. I should’ve told you. I’m not perfect. I made a lot of mistakes that week. I do owe you an apology. There’s no excuse for it. The idea that I had at the time was that I was trying to make things less messy. In reality, I made things more messy.”

Ariel told Zach, “I appreciate your apology. I just want you to know that you took away my agency with your no sex rule for overnight dates, and you would’ve fund out ,later on, that I was on the same page as you.” Zach said,”I do respect you. You do a have every right to feel the way you do.” Ariel said, “I don’t want to just focus on that one bad thing. We did have a lot of great moments, and I appreciate you for that.”

After the Ariel segment, they showed footage of the finale episode. Zach told the private cams, “I want to try and fix the mistake I made during the overnights week.” He greeted his family and told them he messed up during the overnight dates week, but he didn’t go into great detail about it.

Meanwhile, Gabi told the private cams, “I need to talk with Zach about what happened during the overnights week before meeting his family.” She told Zach, “I don’t want you to feel pain because of what we did.” Zach told her he didn’t feel pain and nothing is wrong with them as a couple.

Gabi said, “I’m feeling very guilty because you were really in your head about it. Do you regret what we did? Zach immediately said, “No, that was huge for us. I love you. I want you to know that. You’re so special,” and they kissed. Gabi told the private cams, “Zach told me everything I needed to hear. I feel so much better about this. I can’t wait to meet Zach’s family.”

Gabi talked with Zach’s father. Gabi told him, “Family is everything to me.” Then, he told her real relationships are how they handle the bad times, and he told her a story about how Zach was born so sick that he almost died. Gabi talked with Zach’s sisters. She told them,”I feel very strongly for Zach. I’m very in love with him. I mean that to my core.”

Afterwards, Gabi told Zach, “This was very special for me. I am in love with you,” and they kissed. Zach said, “That feels so good to hear.”

Next, Kaity met Zach’s family. Kaity talked with Zach’s mother. Kaity told her, “Zach is an amazing guy. He’s always there for me, and I haven’t had that with any other guys.” Then, she teared up and gave Zach’s mother a hug. Kaity told Zach’s sisters, “I never thought I would find someone so amazing, and I just want Zach to follow his heart.” They said, “Awww,” and they gave her a hug.

Kaity talked with Zach’s father. He told her, “I want Zach and his future wife to be best friends.” Kaity said, “I absolutely agree.” He said, “Strong relationships are made in bad times not good times. Do you love my son?” Kaity said, “Yes,” and they hugged.

Kaity told the private cams, “I see Zach as my future so badly. I need to completely open my heart and say everything to him.” Kaity and Zach talked. Kaity told him,”It was easy to talk with your family. They’re amazing. I am falling in love with you. After hearing your family talk about you, it made me feel more in love with you,” and they kissed.

After all of that, it was time for the final 1 on 1 dates. Kaity and Zach’s 1 on 1 date was up first. Zach took her to go hiking. They also went for a swim at one point. While talking, they told each other, they’re happy with each other and kissed. During the second half of their date, they talked some more. They talked about being able to overcome what happened during overnights week. Kaity said, “I love you so much. I can’t imagine going through life without you.”

Next, it was Zach and Gabi’s turn. Zach took Gabi horseback riding, and they also went for a swim at one point on a beach, and they were seen hugging and kissing. Zach told the private cams, “I love my time with Gabi. She’s so silly and quirky.”

Gabi told the private cams, “I love Zach. I think we’re in a really good spot.” Gabi brought up to Zach how his father told her Zach almost died when he was a baby. Zach told Gabi, “Yeah, I really didn’t know how serious it was until I was older because I was just a baby when it happened.” Gabi told Zach, “You’re gem. It’s scary to think about not having you as my gem.”

At one point, Zach told Gabi, “I have a really tough decision to make.” That made Gabi feel some type of bad way. She told the private cams, “I was feeling great until Zach said “I have a very tough decision to make. I’m sick of having self doubt and feeling like I’m not enough. When will I ever be enough?”

During the second half of Gabi and Zach’s date, they talked about how well their date went. Gabi told him, “It’s hard because it’s scary knowing that you might not pick me at the end.” Zach said, “None of this is fair. I’m trying really hard to figure all this out.” Gabi said, “It’s ok. I know you are.” Zach said, “I want you to know how serious I’m taking this.” Zach told the private cams, “It hurts to not be able to give Gabi answers right now. It scares me to death that I don’t have the answers right now.”

Back LIVE in studio, Jesse talked with former Bachelor headliner Sean Lowe and his wife Catherine to talk about this season and how Zach may be feeling right now. They also gave an update saying, they have 3 beautiful kids and a happy life. They thank God for it.

After that, we finally got the last round of finale footage. Gabi told the private cams, “I have a gut feeling that Zach isn’t going to pick me, but I still want to put myself out there because what if it is me.” Zach told Gabi, “Finding love with you has mad me a better man, but as much as I have been falling in love with you, you deserve a man that will pick you first everyday.”

Gabi interrupted and made him stop. She told him, “You’ve always known it wasn’t me.” Zach denied that. Gabi said, “I will be ok. I want you to be happy. Kaity is a really wonderful person. I don’t need an apology. I don’t want you to feel guilty. I thank you for all you’ve shown me. I’ll find love somewhere, somehow. It’s ok.”

Gabi told the private cams, “I don’t really care to talk about it. I just wanna go home. That was f#%cking humiliating. I’ve been strung along this entire time and for what. What pisses me off so much is that I knew. When your gut speaks to you, you should listen. Your gut is always right. I put myself out there, and I wasn’t good enough. I’m so unlovable for some reason. Why am I so hard to love. Why am I so misunderstood?”

After all that, Jesse talked LIVE with Gabi in studio. Gabi said, “It was worse watching the footage back because I feel all the emotions. It just hurts. I knew in my gut, but it doesn’t make the goodbye any easier. I chose him, and he didn’t choose me back.”

Zach came out to talk with Gabi. Gabi explained that she was upset and why she was upset. She explained to Zach, “I didn’t know you told everyone what we did during overnights until I watched the show. I wished you would’ve just sent me home during that week because I’m seeing it from an entirely different point of view now.”

Zach told her, “The way I handled things was completely wrong. In the moment, I felt like I needed to let everyone know I went against my word of not sleeping with anyone. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt you like that. From the bottom of my heart, I’m sorry.”

Next, it was time for Kaity and Zach’s finale footage. Kaity told Zach, “I’m totally crazy about you. I’m in love with you. If it’s not you, it’s no one.” Zach said, “I love you with all my heart. I want to be with you forever. You’re the only one I want in my life. I want to spend my life with you. You truly are my world. You’re my best friend. I love you, Kaity. Will you marry me?” She said, “Absolutely,” and they hugged and kissed.

After that very emotional footage, Kaity joined Zach LIVE in studio to talk about everything with Jesse. Zach revealed that he knew Kaity was his wife after their final date. He also revealed they’re moving in with each other right after this show. Nate from the Bachelorette 2022 season showed up to give his castmate Zach some support. Zach mentioned they’re looking at 2025 as the year for a possible wedding date.

To close everything out, they showed footage of Charity Lawson filming her season of the new Bachelorette 2023 edition. Jesse told her she’s about to meet someone she already knows, and it turned out to be her brother Nehemiah. He revealed that he’s going to wear a disguise and try to see which guys are there for the right reasons in a twist titled, “Undercover Brother.” They confirmed that the new Bachelorette 2023 season with headliner Charity Lawson is scheduled to premiere on June 26, 2023. So, we’ll see you guys back here at that time.

Alright, guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest, “The Bachelor” TV show recap report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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