Survivor December 13, 2023 Voted Off Drew Bosile In Vicious Blindside (Recap)

Survivor December 13, 2023 Voted Off Drew Bosile In Vicious Blindside (Recap)

Hey, “Survivor” fans. Tonight, December 13, 2023, another new episode of Survivor’s current season 45 did indeed hit the air, and we saw another blindside vote take out an unlucky contestant at the end of it. Tonight’s new episode kicked off with conversation footage about Emily’s exit at the last tribal council meeting.

Julie told the private cams, “Dee told me about the plan to vote me out, but we’re keeping it a secret and acting like we’re mad at each other.”

Dee told the private cams she’s putting on acting job about telling Julie the plan to vote her out at the last tribal council. She told Austin and Drew she didn’t tell Julie about the votes, and they apparently believed her. Julie told the private cams, “I don’t know if I can trust the Reba 4 alliance anymore. Drew blew everything up. So, it’s game on.”

Katurah and Austin went looking for a hidden immunity idol at one point. Julie kept pitching to Drew that she still wants to keep the Reba 4 together. Drew acted like it was a possibility, but he told the private cams that Julie is all alone. Julie told the private cams she doesn’t believe Drew. So, Julie started plotting with Dee to get Drew out.

After all of that, host Jeff Probst showed up with a new Reward challenge. During it, they had to race in from the ocean. Then, make it through an obstacle course and complete a puzzle for the win. Austin won it. His prize was a picnic meal at a beautiful spot in the middle of the ocean. He got to choose two other people to take with him, and he chose Dee and Katurah.

Austin told the private cams his plan was for Drew and Jake to keep eyes on Julie while he’s away at his picnic feast. Julie went looking for a hidden immunity idol now that she knew everyone is taking shots at her. Jake also went looking for an idol.

At Austin, Dee and Katurah’s feast, Austin and Dee told the private cams how much they like each other. Meanwhile, Jake ended up finding a clue to a hidden immunity idol. Then, he eventually found the actual immunity idol.

Next, host Jeff Probst showed up with the new immunity challenge. During it, they had to balance a ball on a teeter totter beam. It was pretty straight forward. The last one left standing without dropping their ball, won. It came down to Dee and Austin, and Dee pulled out the win for safety at the next tribal council meeting and a guaranteed spot in the final 5.

Drew and Austin told the private cams that they want to get Julie out. Jake ,on the other hand, pitch a plan to Julie to blindside Drew, and she definitely agreed to it. Jake also pitched the Drew plan to Katurah, and she agreed with it. Katurah told Dee about the plan to flip on Drew, and she agreed to it as well since she had already talked about doing it with Julie earlier.

Dee did mention to the private cams that she was a little concerned about what Austin’s reaction would be to blindsiding Drew, but apparently, not enough to tell him about it.

At the tribal council meeting, they just did some general game talk before casting their votes. Drew did mention that he felt like he was in a good spot and has eyes on the endgame. Before the votes were read, Austin decided to play his immunity idol on himself. He said he didn’t want to let it go to waste since it was about to expire. After that, Jeff revealed that Julie got 2 votes, and Drew got 4 votes. So, with the 4 votes, Drew was voted off, and he just left without saying a word to anyone.

Drew told the private cams, “Awww, man. I got totally blindsided. This game totally broke me down, and I hope I’ll get the opportunity to grow from this.” How do you guys feel about Drew Bosile getting voted off Survivor season 45 in tonight’s episode? Let us know in the comments section.

Alright, guys. That is a wrap for this latest, “Survivor” TV show, recap report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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