New Euphoria Season 2 Spoilers For January 23, 2022 Episode 3 Revealed

New Euphoria Season 2 Spoilers For January 23, 2022 Episode 3 Revealed

Hey, “Euphoria” fans. We hope you’re totally enjoying the heck out of season 2 so far, especially since it took long enough for it to finally get here. Now that the most recent episode 2 has done its thing ,tonight, we are on here because we were able to dig up some new, spoilery info for the next, new episode 3 of Euphoria’s current season 2, which is due to hit the air next Sunday night, January 23, 2022.

Unfortunately, HBO has not yet put out an official episode 3 press release for episode 3. In fact, they rarely ever do ,these days, for some unknown reason. Ever since the pandemic started, they just stopped bothering to do it for most, if not all of their shows. Anyways, HBO did, however, serve up an official, new preview clip for episode 3. So, that is what we’ll be using as a source for this spoiler session. Let’s get into it.

First thing’s first. HBO did let us know that this new episode 3 of Euphoria’s current season 2 is officially labeled/titled, “Ruminations: Big and Little Bullys.” It looks like episode 3 will feature some very interesting, intense, dramatic and emotional scenes.

The new episode 3 preview clip starts out with a short backstory about Cal when he was in high school, and how he spent everyday with his best friend back then, but everyone drifts apart when they get older.

After that, the clip cuts to a scene featuring Jules telling Elliot, “I don’t like You.” Elliot asks, “Why?” From there the clip cuts to Jules saying to someone, “There’s something you’re not telling me.” We’re thinking that someone is probably Rue, but we’ll have to wait and see. Oh, and by the way, Rue is seen holding a bag of drugs while we hear Jules say that.

Next, we get a glimpse of Cassie asking Rue, “Rue, are you on drugs?” And Rue looks pretty messed up in this scene. Not good at all.

After that, the clip shows Rue in a classroom setting saying to everyone, “In all fairness, I did say, ‘I had no intentions of staying clean.'”

Next, Rue is seen saying, “As a beloved character, I feel a responsibility to make good decisions. So, I came up with an amazing plan.” Then, the clip cuts to Rue standing outside of somebody’s door saying, “Hi, I’m Rue. I would love to present you with a business opportunity.”

Some other non-talking scenes to make note of are: Rue is seen kissing Jules. Some heavy partying and dancing is going on at one point. There’s a glimpse of a guy underwater in a pool. There’s some violence that takes place as Cal is seen getting hit over the head! There’s a short glimpse of Ali in two of the scenes. He looks really intense. You guys can view the new, episode 3 preview clip for yourselves over on Youtube by Clicking Here.

HBO confirmed that the next, new episode 3 of Euphoria’s current season 2 is indeed scheduled to make its arrival next Sunday night, January 23,2022 at approximately 8 pm central standard time.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest, “Euphoria” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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